My grandma used my custom made carbon steel knife to stir her gin and tonic, shit you not, life goes on šŸ˜‚

No mesh, just internal stitches that dissolve. 110% now, like it never even happened.

Its really interesting to see people will disregard his advice for being annoying or presenting it in a way that they don't necessarily like.

SeeSaw, Bristol, and Townhall.

This post has aged well, considering the affirmative action ruling this week.

hits vape ā€œYou know itā€™s the equivalent of smoking a cigarette every 4 hours you spend outdoors!?ā€

Yeah thereā€™s a lot of trash on the highways, Iā€™m not sure who picks that up, but they must be short staffed.

Depends where in the city you are. You will ALWAYS get a chefā€™s kiss cocktail at Lawbird. Classics are on happy hour for cheap. Also, I live in SE columbus area about 3 minutes from a very quiet archery range. Thereā€™s a 3D range down at scioto grove.

I think this can apply to hernias in general, but a diet that limits bloat and constipation will probably be effective.

Good luck, lox has best product and staff.

We visited Service Bar right after their long Covid hiatus. Food and drinks were pretty dang bad.

ā€œI just felt the baby kickā€

My thoughts exactly, kill a baby at 22 weeks and you are celebrated, strong, a hero for standing up for your personal freedom and choice.

Killing a baby is killing a baby. Donā€™t look down on these parents, then suggest having legal and safe abortions.

Yeah I used to eat a bunch of huge kale salads. They do not exist in my diet anymore.

Yeah like shivering from anticipation. I calmed down eventually.

Teepeeing houses and stuff is fun as a kid. Yes you know you shouldnā€™t be doing it, but thatā€™s half the fun. As more and more taboo gets dismissed in society, petty pranks have turned into real crime.

I found the best way to manage my discomfort with hernia prior to repair was avoiding foods and drinks that caused bloating, which turned out to be eliminating tons of vegetables. Also no beer or carbonated bevs. I was fine lifting and traveling with a hernia for a long time. Got it repaired and flew two weeks post op and was fine as well.

I was the exact way same way. I was scared all the way up until they gave me the anesthesia. My fear of surgery is completely gone. I promise you it was no big deal at all, I couldnā€™t believe how easy it was.