Highest deadlift i have done for 1 rep is like 80-90kg but i can barbell row that for 12 reps. Why is that. Few weeks ago i tried 100kg deadlift and couldnt even lift it up from the floor.

How common are mosquito spread diseases in croatia?Animals 🐵

I got like 15 mosquito bites last night ( some of them were from black mosquitos) and i just fear that i will get sick. Im currently staying near trogir

These are the only hays my guinea pigs eat if i like give it to them. All the other hay they just eat from the rack

There exists only like 30 languages and all of them are in duolingo. Hes probably just trying to speak español

Personally for me when i was like 5-10 years old and i did those ishara test at doctors i always got everything right, but now i always get everything wrong everytime except blue ones

:HangzhouSparkWhite: Hangzhou Spark :HangzhouSparkWhite:

If you play hamster or doom then you need to be super good, but if you play some shield hero, just by blocking ults you wont be called bad

I did enchroma test. Results came to 100% blue, 87 green and 12 red. I always thought that green was my weakest. Idk if those results are like bad

Right shoulder pain (Mostly lateral head) when doing one arm high cable rows. It only happens on right side never on left.


Could these waffles be good for a dirty bulk? I don't have a lot of money, but these are really cheap.

Unless your goal is to become a pro bodybuilder, you don't need a trainer. I recommend you find some split you like and do that while progressive overloading. And if your goal is to lose weight and gain muscle, i recommend you go on a calorie deficit , like -300 calories and eat a lot of protein. That should be enough

I did 120kg like 3 weeks ago. But i stopped doing barbell squats, because my lower back was hurting.

I recommend you do a light bulk so like 300 calorie surplus and also do cardio.

How close is barbell squat pr to hack squat pr? if im able to do 100kg for 12reps on hack squat how much should i be able to do in normal barbell squat?

Do i count the sled on hack squat? The sled weights 46kg and i use 2 25kg plates. So do i count it as 96kg or 50kg?

:HangzhouSparkWhite: Hangzhou Spark :HangzhouSparkWhite:

So basically frostyrogue is my friend who i have made an entire montage of diffing and this is the thumbnail of an upcoming frostyrogue diff montage 2. Frostyrogue diff This is the first one

Is 3 days on one day off good? Im doing ppl x arnold. And also how many times a week will i be going to the gym if i do it?

Can you explain what midladder is? I have been playing cr for 8 years and i still don't understand what it means

Do these hit the long head? And if so can i replace incline curls with these?