Im getting some serious Baldurs Gate 3 vibes with the worm. Leaning into his hate powers the worm which is ultimately trying to take over his body

Jaws. Used to have dreams that a shark would come out from under the floor of my bed and eat me whole. Worst fear to this day is still being lunch for some animal

Yeah and the whole restaurant clapped. Joe Biden happened to be there and gave you a Purple Heart for your cucumber nature

You know what the issue is, in fact everyone knows what the issue is. It’s a 180 million dollar show. 22million dollars per episode with CW level writing and sets. Compare this to House of the Dragon, 20 million per episode, and you can see the massive disparity. If it’s a show written for children then there is no need for it to cost 22 million per episode. The wiggles had better story telling than this abomination

Stuck Creating Loot Pools 100%

Game loads up just fine. Then gets stuck on loading loot 100%. Anyone encounter this and have tips/fix?

Great post. Hope more people upvote because these will be the most likely scenarios

It’s pretty hard to say he didn’t want needless death when he killed a bunch of villagers looking for a “spy” who burned down the Anjins ship. When he was the one who orchestrated the whole plot.

People that organize one thing in their lives and claim they have “OCD”

Dude how are people reading “things got inappropriate with my sister” and immediately go to incest?? He states she called his wife a “scumbag”. It’s obvious that his sister is now saying rude shit around her. All of y’all weirdo porno preferences are showing

Used to watch this guys videos religiously when he was starting up. Funny banter and good looking food. Now he’s just your average meme YouTube cook like the “pasta BETCH” and “add some heartburn” dudes

That’s what happened with almost every company. Seeing it especially in sales jobs

That jump right before killing her was a perfect way to mock all that tap strafing 😂

I’m here for solid gameplay like MGE posts. This game looked incredibly suspicious with how he just knew where the enemies were camped. You wanna call it game sense, go for it. I’m just saying, it didn’t look right

I’ve only watched two videos. The first one was sus. This one was just blatant imo. He doesn’t show his IGN so I’m not sure who he is to avoid him in lobbies

Cheating or Legit?Gameplay

Found this guy randomly on YouTube. His account is Rainat. Just posted a 92 kill game and says “it’s not the best”. In my opinion, this is clearly some kind of wall hacks. Dude is running across streets without regard, running into buildings without checking corners yet knows exactly what room the enemies are in. What do you guys think?

This rage bait shit is so exhausting.

Drafts Chubb and Dobbins. Picks up Kyren Williams and Achane

Outback has the worst steaks. My jaw hurts just looking at that chewy mess