This is why American corporations keep certain politicians in office forever. Morons and octogenarians populate and run the US government. Few, if any of them (Bernie Sanders maybe) either care or have any real earthly clue how they are being manipulated by the vested interests that pay for their election campaigns.

Capitalism is one hell of a drug. It’s easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.

Well, too bad for the children, if they wanted Republican support they should have stayed fetuses!

It feels a little underdeveloped, but maybe if he massages it a little?

And if you’re a fetus they’ll even protect you from your own mother

Which is why, now that he is one simulation level deeper than ours, he goes straight to nuclear war 100% of the time.

In major urban cities, one of the telltale signs you’re in a high crime area is if you notice these three types of stores in close proximity to one another: 99 cent stores, check cashing / remittance stores, and pawn shops. Cash businesses such as pizzerias, off-brand fast-food shops and the like are not in and of themselves a bad sign, but close to these other stores means you’d better keep your eyes and ears open after dark.

Don't Look Back by Ryan Elder and Kotomi

Yes it's from Rick and Morty, but the lyrics and music are deep, soulful and full of meaning beyond whatever you may think of the show.

Could you please say that again… but slower?

There's bloopers and then there's this one: the absolute most WTF in New York news ever.

Better off sheltering the homeless rather than trump’s assault victims. There’s fewer homeless.

We did this while simultaneously having kids recite the pledge of allegiance every fucking morning in public schools. It may not have been law, but that shit was not optional for the kids or their teachers at the time.

Fam you really suggesting trump would give anybody a reach around?