Thank you for correcting his Sniper King disrespect. Usopp has actually been clutch.

I also honestly haven't seen a single group listed for only frog farmers.

I have. Of course I just joined a group that wasn't stressing over cloak stats and raided anyway.


Question: Why would anyone need to "take it to the streets?"

They don't? It's just a flippant statement about how Ryan Reynolds has had beef and dealt with it on set. Celebrities have fights and feuds all the time.

Not sure why this is an example for you as this is what normal people do. Normal people do not resolve disputes in the streets.

Exactly they address their problems on the spot and leave it at that. No need to escalate it, anything else and they let their lawyers handle it.


Ryan Reynolds just pulls up the Rock on set no need to take it to the streets.

They were getting enough bronze to buy the mounts they wanted and push gear if they put any significant amount of time into it. The cloak levels are just a by product of the farm.

I'm glad I got some quick farming in right before the patch.

Or if he did do it, if he went through a restorative justice process of taking ownership, making amends, educating others, and funding DV shelters and anti-violence groups.

Wasn't that point of his last album?

"If I was fucking young girls, I promise I'd have been arrested

I'm way too famous for this shit you just suggested"


You're right, but bragging about not voting has always been a thing idiots have done in this country.

A lot do, like OP pointed out in pugs a lot times the ones who know how to use their interrupt end up all wasting it on the same cast. Making them not go on CD if they don't interrupt an ability fixes the problem for the most part.


You can knock them up while only talking to one ending the relationship and moving to the next one. .


I appreciate you for fighting the good fight calling out the bullshit. These comments are unnecessarily cruel to Gal and girl she was talking to just because of their nationality.


Start with food and liquor and go forward that or the cool. Tetsuo and Youth is a good one to start with too.

I’m not old enough to know that show lol.

You never thought to google it for yourself? Yes it's an old black sitcom from the 70s. I doubt he's referencing it like that.

I can do this too: I looked at pictures and saw a little boy that looks like Drake. Idk it isn't farfetched to me that Drake is hiding other kids.

This is why this wasn't a good battle for Drake to take, He's just way more exposed because of his popularity.

The point is Drake took it personal first. He turned it into a credibility battle which he was going to lose to Kendrick regardless. With or without the Daughter verse there is a lot of damning bars in MTG. The only way Drake could have won that battle is by having receipts and Kendrick not. Any other way and Drake is taking the L like he did.

We already knew that look at Dennis.

He’s been dissing himself this whole time his writer is a kdot fanthe OVO mole.



I don't put Lupe and Kendrick in the same generation.

amateur when it comes to actual penetration testing.

Amateur has the best stuff these days though.