Flanelinhas são definitivamente uma das coisas que mais me deixam puto

Gratz! For me ruins rush is the most fun DS has to offer. GL on winter :)

That's neat achievment! Doing that on desktop could be a pain in the ass... But on mobile? That's something to be trully proud :) congrats fellow Constant enjoyer

"Ohhh yeahhh... What, what... ?!!"

Also when you die there you respawn in front of the same portal (the portal is built with this 4 "things") as like nothing had happened, ready to try it again. Back in the day, I have spent a lot of time in the Adventure Mode worlds, so much fun. As there is no consequences for dying there, it's like a break from the usual gameplay, I enjoy it a lot (of course if you die there you will lost time and the stuff you did there, but still).

No começo parecia q tava deslizando no ar e dps corta antes da parte mais importante r/VideosThatEndedTooSoon

Ham Bat is not the best weapon, it's just very good and very cheap to make. Some weapons that have better damage than the Ham Bat: Shadow Sword, Tentacle Spike and Thulecite Club. If you do not like to kill pigs that's up to you, play as you wish and have fun :)

I had this 400+ days world as Wigfrid (in DS RoG) and I hadn't died in a loong time. This was like 7 years ago maybe, so there weren't that many things to do on the game, so I was megabasing and hoarding stuff, like the Bell that spawns the Big Foot. Then a racoon tryed to get the bell that was on the floor, resulting in ringing it, and the world started to shake, as it should, because the Big Foot was walking his way directly to my base :) I panicked and tried to grab the Bell right as the Big Foot one shoted me and I died. Canon cause of death: Big Fooooot

That's impressive! I have 2 times your age and never did a front or back flip myself, so it was amazing seeing you do it. GL on the grind, and have fun on the way boy :) Also I'm pretty proud of your third place there, the competition must be insanaly high level, for sure!

Right in the middle + near a worm hole and somewhat near a cave entrance = no question best generic location

Idk if seasonal bosses can spawn in adventure mode, but I personally never encountered them. I think you have to make an alchemy engine at best if you didn't learnt some recipes already. Good things to have at hand in adventure mode: grass, twigs, logs, rocks, pig skin, pig/beefalo meat, miner hat.

With that you can (on the fly) craft stuff to use at night (torches, campfire, miner hat), to destroy buildings (hammer) and to fight mobs (footbal helmet, ham bat).

Aways explore at night using torches and pick up blue musheooms, for life regenerarion. It's good to aways destroy pig houses for theyr loot, the same for the pig heads pinned in sticks that you usually can find in swamps. The last tip for now is to use 4 monster meat and transform a pig into a werepig. After killing the werepig you will receive 2 meat and 1 pig skin, wich with some sticks you can craft yourself a ham bat, the best early game weapon (for me, at leaat).


Eu li com a voz do seu Madruga 🥴

At this point I downvoted my comment too, just in case. Oh and your comment got a thumbs down too.

So it was, indeed, unexpected :-)

Gui... Gui o que? Não entendi, fala de novo ;D

I appreciate the dedication, dude. That's hearth warming and inspiring, because I want to follow a similar path myself

Hi there from 9y in the future. Your answer just helped me. I was willing to just play without sound on, you know, but the game won't start as it did yesterday. After reading your advise, the game oppened as intended just after the earphone got plugged in. Thank you very much, Rock3t_Ninja :)