
I don”t think Chuck meant that for a second. He just knew how to hurt Jimmy and went all in. Chuck was the absolute worst. Jealous that Jimmy was so likeable.

I agree - I’ve said that it seems like S3 is setting up the dominoes and S4 will knock them down. We can’t take a fourth season of Carmy being an absolute douche nozzle. He needs some development…emotional development.

Great post!! Hopefully this season is just setting up the dominoes and we will see more of what we are used to in S4 and beyond!

I love the show but it really shouldn’t be classified as a comedy.

Dr. Lou seems to be his only genuine friend.

S3 E2 Opening Miscellaneous

I absolutely loved the opening to Episode 2 where they had the montage of local Chicagoans and the work they do, local buildings and the like. The shots, the musical choice, the day-to-day hustle. Absolute Perfection!!

It really did change my opinion of Craig for the better. He definitely was a much better person, brother and partner after that.

Todd is a top tier, scene stealing character. I love him!! Now why are you here - go forth and watch El Camino for more fun with Todd and one of my top 3 scenes in the entire Gilliverse!! Enjoy!!

Thought about that after posting. That may just be the best way to go!!

It’s getting beyond depressing!! It’s been going down hill for a few years but 2024 has been like a deep nosedive into the abyss of torture. Nothing worse than listening to a bazillionaire whine about having to go on a trip most of us could never imagine. Really cutting back on Richard and Sal, Ronnie and all the people that were still entertaining. Listening to incessant complaining is not how I want to spend my time.

EB is such a good actor and played this perfectly!! 😂 I don’t think she wanted Lena to see her in prison and was pissed Pope brought her. Of course she can’t be mad at Lena.

Yes absolutely. I too was late to the party and was spoiled as to the ending but it’s such a ride getting there. I think you will like it.


For all of the great (and gratuitous) cameos we’ve seen, the only one I really want to see is who they cast for the inevitable Francie Fak sighting.

Pope all the way! Although I like J too.

Brilliant - never thought about it like that! 😂

So tone deaf when Howard said he should bring his guitar and play on the plane. Jimmy tries to course correct by saying “imagine what the other passengers would think”, like we don’t know they are flying in a private jet 🙄