This is the right answer even though it’s a good episode. The show doesn’t really have this format except for the episodes that make fun of Flowers for Algernon and The Wiz. It would be a bad idea to walk into the show thinking it was always going to make fun of some genre of movie.

I go to the library and browse the new books and movies.

I agree. You can tell that the director, Darren Aronofsky wanted to work out something about Genesis. But even if that’s not interesting to you, the movie spins out in an insane way that’s hard to believe.

I liked this one a lot. I found it very trippy. You don’t want to go into it sleepy.

If you want to talk dancing, it’s gotta be Cricket’s nips and hips.

I love how he goes toe-to-toe with DeNiro in Heat. It’s a unique performance.

Watty Username: panacheflair

I’d be more concerned if you were writing without reading. It’s a recipe for disaster.

I’ll probably get hate for this but U2. One With or Without You Miss Sarajevo

Watty Username: panacheflair

Writers call this ‘dialect.’ Lots of great writers have used it effectively like Mark Twain and Zora Neale Hurston. The trick is that you want your reader to still be able to decode what you’re saying.

Isn’t making the ghetto more livable just gentrification? If it became a more attractive place to live, taxes would rise and residents would have to move out.

We already use the government in many ways to fight disease like medical research and sanitation. Is it really a step too far for the government to pick up our medical tab?

NTA. You absolutely need a reliable vehicle and this car just ain’t it.

As a reader, what I really like to see is a writer giving more info in response to a comment. Something like “That character was inspired by So and so.” But even a simple thank you is kind.

Pakistani Lamb Kidneys. They’re typically served around the holiday Eid ul-Adha. They have a metallic taste like hard water.

I’ve never really understood Longshot’s power. It’s described as ‘probability-altering.’ You’d think that would make him lucky but he has a history of being a slave and being chased by his master. It’s pretty out there.

Praying by Kesha. “You brought the flames and put my through Hell/ I had to learn how to fight for myself/ And we both know how much truth I could tell.”