Otis went along because he had medical experience and was thus familiar with the items that were needed, so it would be quicker and easier for him to locate what they were looking for.

Would you shoot a guy to save yourself and a child that you love like your own, with the alternative being (as the scenario in the show presents) that all 3 of you die instead?

True, but their joke reply was posted 2 hours after the original comment was made. You have to edit a comment within a couple minutes of posting it for the "edited" to not appear. If it was edited after the joke was made, as they claim, it would have been well past the very brief edit "grace period".

Your joke only works if the comma isn't there, which it is. And all evidence points to it always having been there, since Reddit shows if and when comments were edited. And now you're either lying or coping to cover up a minor mistake which is silly.


John Browning (Who created the M1911) was a Mormon just like Joshua Graham.


John Browning was born in Utah, which has a significant Mormon population and is the location of Zion National Park (which was named as such by a Mormon with "Zion" having significance in Mormon belief) where Honest Hearts takes place.

A literal newborn who accidentally killed people due to not being able to control his powers (which he only has because they gave them to him) vs. a fully grown man who murders people for cruel and selfish reasons. It's not really comparable, nor does it justify torturing him for his entire childhood. Not to mention it's the callous and inhumane treatment of Homelander as a child that led to him being such a despicable person as an adult.

Empathy? It's just folks doing a bit of light-hearted fun poking at a few silly mistakes. Its not like anyone's hurling harsh insults at the artists or calling for them to lose their jobs. I think you're taking this a bit too seriously.

And it's clear that Homelander does what he wants. If he wanted to be there while Sage was interrogating her, what could she have done to stop him?

The show is critical of both sides of the political spectrum, which is exactly how it should be IMO. Politicians can be (and often are) corrupt regardless of which "side" they're on. Presenting one side as wholly good in order to sway people's beliefs would literally be propaganda.

Not to mention, if people are basing their political opinions on what they see in a superhero TV show, then we've got much bigger problems.

Fairly certain this is just generic randomly generated loot and isn't tied to the quest in any way. Funny coincidence though.

Tenpines Bluff in FO4 shows no signs of being the site of nuclear incident and shares no similarities to Mars Bluff other than the "bluff" part of the name, which is a common geographical term. I don't think there is any relation whatsoever.

You can already buy ink from other players.

I agree with what you're saying, but they didn't suggest anywhere that mods be added to ESO. They were simply showing that there is a precedent for official crossover stuff in other Bethesda games. And their examples aren't actually the only instances of this either. FO4 has stuff straight from Doom, Prey, and Skyrim in the Creation Club. And funnily enough ESO has already done a minor Doom promotional thing with the "Mudcrab of Eternal Doom" pet they released alongside Doom Eternal.

All that being said, I'm not on board with OP's idea or any other multiverse-esque crossover things in ESO. There are ways to promote/reference other properties without doing it in such an overt and immersion breaking way.

Looks more like WoW than FR to me.

With low supply and high demand it makes sense for it to be expensive right now, but prices will go down in time. Besides, you can very easily go and collect the ink yourself if you don't have the gold. Its a grind, but so were things like antiquities and jewelry crafting. Its to be expected of a brand new system.

And it's normal for that clothing to include a bright blue morphsuit that covers their entire body head to toe?

They're a stunt actor stand-in for Shiva. This image is from a behind the scenes video showing the scene without the CGI.

Based on a quick search it looks like that is a common issue right now.

Creation Club items do not appear in the DLC section on Steam and the "Fallout 4 - Creations" thing that says it costs $4.99 is just where you buy the credits. All CC items are viewed, purchased, and installed via the CC menu in-game. All that being said, if you bought any DLC or CC content on a different platform, it will almost certainly not transfer over to PC and you'll have to buy it again.