Thanks! Its the 'Creamy Cajun Shrimp pasta' on natasha's kitchen. Hope you enjoy making it.

Just noticed this small detail!Discussion

In DH2 when the order comes through the doors has harry reveals himself in the great hall once the order have finished coming through the doors and come to a stand still, madam pomfrey who was standing by the door goes to join them. It happens in less than 2 seconds but I'm pretty sure it's intentional.

Why no GX10?

For me the gx series is where micro four thirds shines with a compact form factor yet still large enough for some manual controls, evf and ibis. If the gx10 can include better video af and a mic port lumix might have a camera to compete with the sony a6000 series but given the the gx9 being released over 5 years ago is this series of cameras long gone?

Is the Olympus Pen Series over?

The last pen camera was released over 2 years ago and there hasn't been a new addition to this series of cameras since. Do you think there with be and e-p8, e-pl11, pen f II or none at all?


Thank you for taking the time to respond.

Why won't panasonic continue the gm series?Micro Four Thirds

The Lumix Gm5 and Gm1 are two much loved cameras however with the gm line being discontinued over 8 years ago it raises the question of why don't they contine with this. It would be in it's own niche of tiny camera's with interchangable lenses (m43) and I expect there would be a lot of demand for it as the gm1 is still very popular over a decade later.

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Diameter is about 20cm

ZV-1 - you can get it used for around $500 - has a mic input and hotshoe for wireless sony microphones.

Scarlet and violet will be the best base set since in a while.Discussion

The SM and SWSH base sets were no where near as good as SV base but both SM and SWSH improved most noteable with alternate arts at the end of their era. SV has already good SARs and ARs so what will it do to improve?