The Great Hall

r/harrypotter2.5M subscribers97 active
What headcanons do you have about the non-British magical world?Discussion

As in the title. We are talking about purely fan-made ideas that come to your mind. Maybe about your own cultures if you are from outside the UK. Either ideas of your own or the ones you have encountered somewhere.

“Of course it is happening inside of your head, Harry. But why should that mean that it is not real?”Discussion

What are everyone’s thoughts on the magic behind Harry’s limbo conversations with Dumbledore in DH? Was it really Dumbledore’s spirit magically present in Harry’s mind communicating with him or was it Harry’s own imagination and his way of healing/finding closure in Dumbledore’s betrayal?

Before anyone comes after me: with betrayal I mean never telling Harry the whole truth and concealing from him that he himself was a horcrux and needed to die

Dobby. Lovable or annoying?Discussion

I can't be the only person that found Dobby a bit annoying can I? He died a true hero's death and the "here lies Dobby, a free elf" bit is Heart breaking every time I read it. But over all he was a little bit annoying. Right?

What does Voldemort do at night?Discussion

Where does he live? Do you think he gets ready in the morning to float around and torment Haz?

If you had to cast one actor from the movies in the new series, who would you pick?Discussion

I’ll go first: Gary Oldman would make an amazing Dumbledore. Fight me on this.

They should have continued with Dumbledore's Army.Misc

Okay, so Umbridge is gone and there was no need to learn practical magic secretly anymore. However, DA wasn't just about that. It was about honing new skills and allowing students from different Houses to bond and help each other. I get that Harry, Ron and Hermione had other things on their mind but realistically, in my school, if the ringleaders of a secret group were still in the school, that group would continue to function. Especially considering that everyone acknowledges the Dark Lord's return, it would be the best time to bond together or at least, have a kick-ass party in the Room of Requirement. Who knows, they might have come across Draco's plan earlier.

Millennial reading Harry Potter for the first timeSpoilerCurrently Reading

Hello! I (29M) am reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone completely for the first time! And hopefully all of the other books as well. I thought it would be kind of fun to diary this online as I experience something a kid my age should have also experienced with his peers many years ago. Have I been missing out? Probably. Despite my nickname literally being Harry Potter from ages 8-9, I never really got into the books movies. I know the general idea of Harry Potter, the main characters, “not me, not hermoine, yewwww!”, etc. I even remember going to see the movies in theaters and falling asleep. Well now, I’m going all in! Join me as I give my takes, ask questions and experience this with a community who knows so much more about the world of Hogwarts! Go Griffindors(?!)

does anyone else ration their Harry Potter?Discussion

Sometimes I feel like I reread them too often and I make myself wait a while before I reread or rewatch. I feel like I'm afraid to overdo it? I need to savor it?

Tom Riddle was probably the biggest failure in the entire series Discussion

Tom Riddle, who later became Voldamort, has to be the biggest failure in the series. Despite being a perfect and having top percentile scores in his NEWTs, he rejected prestigious jobs to work in a pawn shop. Obviously he didn't fail at everything, he came back and created his horocruxes.

That said he:

-Fails to kills a baby and "kills" himself in the process

-Is defeated by ghosts who manifest from his own wand malfunctioning

-Entrusted that diary with half his soul to reopen a chamber with a snake that could and did destroy his diary

-Fails to capture Harry in the Deathly Hollows despite his ability to fly broomless

-Enlists henchmen who repeatedly fail (i.e. Luscious Malfoy)

-Fails to kill Harry numerous times and ultimately fades to nothingness by him

Salazar Slytherin, and Slytherin house, produced this man as their top boy? This man was a prefect with high career prospects?

Slytherin just isn't sending us their best

Mrs WeasleyDiscussion

I can’t understand why Mrs Weasley didn’t go to the Quidditch World Cup with the rest of her family. I think the entire Weasley family is there, I didn’t count but whatever. She is conspicuously absent. Anyone know why?

The Half Blood Prince was the worst Harry Potter film.SpoilerDiscussion

The Half Blood Prince is supposed to have the most lore. Instead, it didn't add many things. For example, it barely goes over the surface of why the DADA teachers couldn't complete more than one year of teaching, while the book completely goes over every little bit. Instead, we got more Harry and Ginny time. Fun. Not to mention that The Burrow burning down didn't even happen in the book. It's a good scene, but COMPLETELY unnecessary.

Did we ever find out what was the contents inside of the Book : 12 Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Witches?Discussion

I remember Ron learning from it and Harry had a copy of it, but I don’t think Harry actually read the book.

Horcrux soul splitting proportions?Discussion

Bit of a narrow topic.

We know that if someone creates a single horcrux, 1/2 of the person’s soul will be hidden within that horcrux. However, if you create a third horcrux, does this horcrux count as 1/2 of your remaining soul, which would be 1/4 or does it modify the existing horcrux, so that each part of the soul is worth 1/3 of the total?

When Voldemort creates his 7 horcruxes, are all the parts of his soul worth 1/7 or is the first horcrux 1/2, second 1/4, third 1/8 and so on?

Not sure if it would have much of an effect on the durability of the different sections of soul, or if there’s any fact in the series that would give an answer. Just curious.

by Ollie106:Puff2: Hufflepuff
Opinion: Muggle Studies should be a compulsory subject rather than an elective for any non muggleborns Discussion

I think they made it compulsory in DH. But in my opinion it’s something that any witch or wizard who isn’t Muggleborn should learn about Muggles. At least the basics:

About telephones - both Ron and Arthur have trouble using the telephone. Ron in PoA and Arthur in OotP.

About currency - this is shown mostly in GoF

About clothing - again, shown in GoF with amusing results such as Archie in his nightdress.

About Muggle Post - again, in GoF.

It’s a bit surprising that it’s not compulsory anyway with the Statute of Secrecy. After all people using Wizarding money and wearing non standard muggle clothing when dealing with muggles requires obliviation whereas some basic education could make things much easier.

Original drawing of the Dark Mark (movies)Original Content

I am quite meticulous about the originality of things, and when googling images of the dark mark I found the same image everywhere (this) (which I have no idea the origin or author)

But I remembered it differently and looking at images from the movie (image) I noticed differences, the head turning to the other side, without those spots on the skin, and above all the skull seems to have its mouth open with its jaw (Please correct me if I'm wrong)

I know they are very meticulous details but it made me wonder, is there a drawing of the original tattoo from the movie or are they the same? Because with how famous Harry Potter is, the amount of people who get this tattoo in real life, that it can be copied from the movie without inventing anything, it seems strange to me not to find anything.

That's all, thanks

Q is for "Quicker and easier than falling asleep" - Sirius Black - Now R!Discussion

A- “Are you quite sure you don’t need a cough drop, Dolores?”

B- “Babbling, Bumbling, Band of Baboons!”


D- “Dobby never meant to kill! Dobby only meant to maim, or seriously injure.” + “Dobby is FREE!”

E- “Expelliarmus” - Harry Potter

F- “Follow the SPIDERS?! If Hagrid ever gets out of Azkaban, I'll kill him.”

G- “Give her hell from us, Peeves.”

H- “Have a biscuit, Potter.”

I- “I solemnly swear I am up to no good.”

J- “Just because you have an emotional range of a teaspoon, doesn’t mean we all have” - Hermione Granger

K- “Kill the spare.” - Volde

L- “LeviOsa not leviaoSA!”

M- Mr. And Mrs. Dursley, of number four privet drive, were proud to say they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.

N- "Not my daughter, you bitch!" ~ Molly Weasley

O- “Obviously.” —Severus Snape

P- “Perhaps just once more, Master Harry, for luck?” Kreacher bashing away at Mundungus Fletcher with a pan

Q- "Quicker and easier than falling asleep" - Sirius Black


Joke of the dayDungbomb

Why did Professor Snape stand in the middle of the road?

So you’ll never know which side he’s on.

20 years later, I just got to re-experience Prisoner of Azkaban on the big screen, the film that introduced me to going to the cinemaDiscussion

I was four when the film came out and 20 years later at the age of 24, the film still holds up immensely. The visuals, the performances, John Williams’ score and the story. It’s such a good film and, IMO, the best of the series

It's Quidditch time! What do you think of the sport and which position would you have played in?Misc

As with most people, I will never forget the anticipation of waiting to see the Quidditch World Cup final of 1994 only for it not to be shown (bleargh!). That being said, I think the position I would have played is a Beater. I love hitting Bludgers to disrupt Chasers and Seekers.

Visiting the Wizarding World for the First time!Discussion

My partner and I are going to Universal Studios this Friday/Saturday for our three year anniversary and this will be my very first time going and as as a Harry Potter fanatic, I would like to budget so I can buy as many merch and souvenirs as I can! We have passes to both parks so I know I’m going to be overwhelmed with excitement and I just wanted to plan accordingly. As a first timer to the Wizarding World, what should I expect? What are your favorite rides/food and spots? I would like to get there as soon as the park opens so we can be one of the firsts on the rides. Should I look at videos/pictures to get a feel of what to expect or should I let it be a surprise? Sorry for the long text but I am so freaking excited and I just want to be prepared!! I’m even having a marathon of the movies and rereading the books this week so I can be on top of everything.

by GullibleAir8819:Puff2: Hufflepuff
Hey potterheads. Perhaps it's time for the exams at Hogwarts. Are you up for a Harry Potter trivia?Hogwarts Legacy/Games

Drop in a question for me or for others or hit me up if you wanna make it personal.

Every wrong answer will get you a dare.

Baby Voldemort?Discussion

What was baby Voldemort made from? I mean the "rudimentary body" that required feeding, that Wormtail carried then dunked into the cauldron in GOF with Harry's blood, Tom's bone dust and Wormtails _ ?

Presumably this grew into the adult size Voldemort.

Umbridge joke?Dungbomb

Why did Umbridge raid the Room of Requirement?

She had DADA issues.

by RitaPoole56:ClawS3: Ravenclaw
Harry only got £5,000 from the Triwizard Tournament 🤣SpoilerMisc

Harry had to 1v1 a dragon and 2 other incredibly dangerous tasks, which nearly all killed him just for 1000 galleons.

According to J.K. Rowling, 1000 galleons is approx. £5000.

In 1994 (when Harry was 14) £5,000 was about £10,000 in today's money.

How much would it take for you to participate in the tournament?

by vperera520:Puff1: Hufflepuff