Panasonic LUMIX

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Pinnedby AoyagiAichouModeratorG90/G95
What are your hope about the upcoming Lumix 28-75mm f/2.8 ?L-Mount

Are you hyped ? What are your hopes ? ✌️

My hopes are light, compact and affordable.

Also I wish Panasonic gives us a good competitor against the Tamron 28-75mm.

The original Lumix 24-70 f/2.8 is way to bulky and heavy.

Sigma recently dropped their 24-70 Mark II which is 100gr lighter than their Mark I but cost 1400€.

The L-mount isn't new anymore, I wish to have a decent range of lens choice like Sony users are having.

New Rumor: GH7 Coming NEXT Week? News / Rumour

A new hot rumor dropped*, 43rumors stated that they had 2 sources tell them that the mysterious camera to be announced later this week IS the GH7 !!

Asterisk because they say this will be very unusual, However the Cinegear convention IS this week as well, so it could be they are targeting that expo as the launch??

What are your thoughts?

What do you think the new gh7 will be? Will we see an upgraded sensor or body? Is this the Hybrid Cinema beast we've been waiting for or is it just a rehoused g9?


43 rumors added they have 2 sources, both agree it is ready to be released in July, announcement close ( could be the 5th of June ), and that it "influencer testers" say that it's a NEAR PERFECT MFT camera!!

Also they say it will have similar specs to the g9ii ( so same sensor? ) however with the addition of a LARGER fan, 32 Bit Float internal recording with new xlr mic unit ( could we the internal pre amp upgraded to 32 bit float and mini xlr on the cam itself? ) , AND internal RAW.

Panasonic announcement at cine gear aimed towards high end cinematographers?News / Rumour

What is everyone's thoughts on this? I'm hoping we get some insight about the S1HII/S2H. Would love to hear some news about an EVA1 update with L-Mount.

Lumix GH6 Discontinued News / Rumour

Per a comment on 43rumors, a viewer spotted the Panasonic Japan site has been updated, GH6 now marked as "production discontinued" .

This makes it highly likely now that the camera launching this week is the Gh7.

Hey there (Help) DC G100Micro Four Thirds

Hello, I have a Lumix DC-G100. The display is having these horizontal transparent colors on the display. When I go to look through the lens of the camera the display stops showing up.

Is the S9 slow to start up?L-Mount

I'm considering buying an S9 and I found the S5M2's initial boot time to be quite slow.

This is a big drawback in my usage environment.

Since the S9 and S5M2 share many things, should I assume there is no difference in initial boot time?

G9 vs S5 vs S5IIDiscussion / General advice

I've been looking for a starter camera for filmmaking (and maybe occasionally photos for fun) so that I don't have to keep borrowing. From my research so far I've kinda landed on a (used) G9 or an S5/S5II. The G9 is cheaper but the 30 minute recording limit might be a dealbreaker. From what I gather the main benefit of the S5II is it has much better AF than the original. Does anyone have any opinion on these choices? Is there something else I should consider? My budget is somewhat fluid but I don't want to spend more than 1000 on a body alone.

edit: any recommendations for lenses to go with?

G9ii sensor inferior to GH6.. Thoughts?Micro Four Thirds

Anyone used both the GH6 and the G9ii feel like the GH6 actually produces better images than the G9ii?

I sold my GH6 for a G9ii and I can't help but feel the images from the G9ii just don't have the same 'weight' and deep density the GH6 images used to give me.

Video also produces blotchy color noise compared to the beautifu organic noise from the GH6.

Am I the only one? hahaha

LUMIX gx85 landscape lensMicro Four Thirds

Been wanting a landscape lens for awhile now I’ve been shooting macro since I got the camera and wanna move to streets and landscape was wondering what the best lens for that would be?

Camera that had 120 FPS (With auto focus)Discussion / General advice

hello friends, what cameras would I be able to have that shoots 120 FPS with auto focus, without downloading any firmware?

Which produces better RAW stills, a Fuji 40mp sensor or a FF 24mp sensor?Drama

The exact sensors im talking about are the Fuji XT5 and Lumix S5ii if someones curious.

Is the higher 40mp APS-C sensor better than a smaller but full frame sensor of 24mp?

Which one would you choose

Do you think Panasonic can push support for SSD in S5 II via firmware update?L-Mount

As the title says, can Panasonic push support for SSD in S5 II via firmware update? Is it a hardware requirement or can just firmware enable that? I understand we have S5IIx for a reason but in case Panasonic does that when S5 III is released in future