Please don't take this the wrong way, but he's a self professed "Doomer" and works for the University of Florida. The Governor of Florida has made it perfectly clear that people can lose their jobs for ever discussing climate change.

I don't know this man or his work but those two things alone make me question his work. For the record I'm also find climate analytics work to be a little to rosy...but lets enjoy a win where we can.

Solar punk? No. That's just called common sense.

Honestly I could see MLS2 failing. Most major cities without an MLS team either have an USL team that's either well established or being established.

The same issues facing MLS2 are facing the USL. Does MLS really want to dump a ton of money into building SSS? Well they can afford the advertising would that attract new fans?

Will they put a quality product on the field?

To many unknown's for the MLS. This ain't going to happen.

Nice to see that I'm the smartest one in the room....again. (Even I think that's full of cringe and I wrote it)

Hmmm...The autobiography of Donald Trump. A popup book

Frankly no one is carbon neutral. All we can do is reduce our footprint. Eat more plant based diets. Walk or ride a bike or bus to get to work. Reduce/reuse and recycle. Cold water to wash your clothes. Line dry them if you can. Plant a garden or partake in your community garden. A lot of simple solutions to reduce your footprint.

Sadly vertical farming is limited in what it can grow. I am curious about their interests in native crops.

There used to be a local band actually named that. They were a jam band

I know there are not many members here...but we writers have to write so with that in mind

It's not my best and to be honest could use a complete rewrite. Others in other forums have shown me that is is a bit messy and that my original concept was not clear.

But...this is how we get better.

I don't watch the show but if there is anything that gives a kid hope in the future (and they know what's happening) then I'm all for it.

I don't either...but we have to try right? Otherwise it really is game over and I am not ready for that.

I'm more of a "plant based diet" guy than vegan. I also believe that 10,000 + years of human evolution has made us into omnivores. All I ask is that you try to eat more plants than animals because it's better for the environment overall.

Orphan crops - a story from NPRNews

This is very related to the blog piece I wrote recently (see profile for link), but told in a much better way.

Carbon emission reductions ARE NOT optional. We saw thousands out in the streets during Covid to support Black Live Matter. We saw thousands in the streets of Paris to protest some sort of farm bill (I think it was a farm bill) earlier in the year.

My point is that people will get out if they feel the item being protested is important enough. This literally is life on earth. I can think of no other topic more important than that.

On Earth Day - A reminder to walk the walkDiscussion

This isn't going to be a popular post. But it's been bothering me for a bit and I have to say something about it. No this is not directed at any one person. Nor is it a reaction to any one thing....but it is important enough for me to share.

Solar punk shouldn't be a "one size fits all" idea. You can disagree with someone, debate with someone but always be open to learning something new. Yes, you need to be weary of greenwashing and we all agree capitalism is bad. However debate them...just don't down vote something because you don't agree with it.

Being "Punk" is something you do. It's punk to organize. It's punk to ride your bike to work, or take public transpiration or car pool. It's punk to vote. It's punk to eat vegetarian or vegan but if you can't do it all the time, that's cool too. It's not punk not to try.

It's not punk to expect the world to suddenly change if you are sitting on your ass talking about buildings with trees on the roof. It takes work. Hard work. Get your hands dirty and grimy work.

Punk is getting up each day and saying "Once more into the breach my friends" because the battle never stops.

The fact that I've seen good ideas belittled or down voted or ignored because they were not "solar punk" enough or "your definition of punk" has to stop. You have to open your mind that Bookchin and Marx might be right on X but wrong on Z. Trust me, I've been a socialist long before many of you were born and Marx still surprises me all these years later.

We are building a better and greener world. The ideas...the seeds....are being planted. We have to be the good gardener and tend them so they bloom.

Rant over.

Upvote or down vote me.....I really don't care. I just want you to think a bit first.


Not at all. Let's look at the original comment that I'm referring to. "Yeah, it's also a very capitalist mindset. "Think of the benefits of growing this invasive species." So... it's very not punk."

In the article I mentioned some benefits of kudzu. For example as a food source and as a green building material. I failed to mention how, once removed, kudzu left the soil rich in nutrients. I mentioned it's use as a green fiber in clothing.

No where did I state what was quoted. No where did I mention using it for capitalist ventures.

Can it be exploited as such? Of course, but so can anything.

Yes, I am a Social Democrat but I've been fighting for environmentalist agenda's and leftist causes well before most of Reddit's readers were born.

Punk is what you do, it's not some "one sized fits all" belief system.

I'll be the first one to admit that the blog post should have been clearer, more precise to avoid confusion. That's on me.

But I'll be damned if someone questions my fight. At the risk of getting an "Ok Boomer." I've been in the trenches a long time and it sickens me when someone appoints themselves a gatekeeper to what is or is not "Punk." Much less solar punk.

I can't help but wonder how many "solar punks" are not riding public transit, or biking or car pooling. I wonder how many still eat meat or have no intention to change to a plant based diet that's better for the environment. I wonder how many vote? How many organize? How many actually garden or plant trees or actually have read Bookchin? Marx? Adams?

When you read Adams you learn that he was highly critical of many aspects of Capitalism; but no one brings that up. Because no one actually reads past the Wikipedia page.

You wanna be punk? You live punk...and you listen and examine ideas from everywhere and everyone because you just might learn something.

That's punk.

Rant over. Down vote me for being honest.

Let's rethink our invasive species.

No - this in not advocating for growing invasive species. It is a call for facing the reality that we have them. We have to take advantage of them to ensure that we are building a better and greener future.

Now go ahead and hate me.

I like these, and seeds is a nice way to put it.

Please understand that this is not a criticism of you personally or what your trying to do. As I said, I like the overall "seed" concept.

The only problem that I have, is how to implement all this. These are wonderful goals, wonderful ideals but without a blueprint on how to get there...they are just words on a page. I also know that people spend their lives thinking and writing and working to bring about these subjects and never get a certain point.

For example, we all ready have some international cooperation on climate action but unless there are actual workable plans that the governments of the world stick too, nothing changes. Unless you can get people out in the street on a consistent basis to ensure that the politicians realize..."You fail at this and we will replace you with someone else"

Someone can read all the Bookchin they want, but the real change - the change that lasts - is always down in the trenches.

I'm always amused when someone is down voted for bringing up fair points. Look, part of being "Punk" - if that's Solar punk or not - is being open to other points of views, ideas, whatever.

The way I understand the OP's comment about Russia and China has to do with the dictatorship of Putin and the crackdown of individual freedoms in China. The cycle of violence in the Mid East and religious nationalism of India. If I'm wrong correct me. I'll listen to a valid well reason argument because I'm not afraid of being wrong.

This is a very closed mindset and I'm not attacking you personally. Let me explain why I think so.

You, or anyone really, has the chance to help 100's or 1000's of people would you not do that?

Or would you not do that because what is being asked of you does not fit in with your particular "punk" viewpoint?

We would help those people because the whole idea behind "solar punk" is community is it not? Our job is to save the world.

Rejecting an idea out of hand because it does not fit what ever definition of "punk" you may have is not in the spirit of Solar punk in my opinion. We have to be open to all sort of ideas and solutions.

We take the best, even through we may not agree with them, and move forward with them. This is how real significant change happens.

Everyone seems to think that I'm calling for the cultivation of an invasive species. I am not.

Generally speaking the Banyan tree is NOT tolerant of the cold. They are found mostly to the south of Miami because of that. Their numbers drop off sharply north of Miami.

So it's possible they could be a bigger problem with global warming!

I can also tell you that after living in Florida for 20 years that the government sucks and hasn't cared about the environment since day 1 - even though environmental tourism is a major economic power in the state.