This isn't going to be a popular post. But it's been bothering me for a bit and I have to say something about it. No this is not directed at any one person. Nor is it a reaction to any one thing....but it is important enough for me to share.

Solar punk shouldn't be a "one size fits all" idea. You can disagree with someone, debate with someone but always be open to learning something new. Yes, you need to be weary of greenwashing and we all agree capitalism is bad. However debate them...just don't down vote something because you don't agree with it.

Being "Punk" is something you do. It's punk to organize. It's punk to ride your bike to work, or take public transpiration or car pool. It's punk to vote. It's punk to eat vegetarian or vegan but if you can't do it all the time, that's cool too. It's not punk not to try.

It's not punk to expect the world to suddenly change if you are sitting on your ass talking about buildings with trees on the roof. It takes work. Hard work. Get your hands dirty and grimy work.

Punk is getting up each day and saying "Once more into the breach my friends" because the battle never stops.

The fact that I've seen good ideas belittled or down voted or ignored because they were not "solar punk" enough or "your definition of punk" has to stop. You have to open your mind that Bookchin and Marx might be right on X but wrong on Z. Trust me, I've been a socialist long before many of you were born and Marx still surprises me all these years later.

We are building a better and greener world. The ideas...the seeds....are being planted. We have to be the good gardener and tend them so they bloom.

Rant over.

Upvote or down vote me.....I really don't care. I just want you to think a bit first.