is that pole your property? my electric company would just remove anything that grows in a foot radius of the light poles in my neighborhood.

but to answer your question, if they're native, you could try passion flower, the bees go crazy over them in the summer

are you using "shadowing" to describe the pessimistic attitude towards the future or as the act of only focusing on the factors we cant control. maybe im confused?

what i'm getting at here is that i see solarpunk, and punk in general, as optimism despite the circumstances. it's my opinion that pessimism doesnt have a place in a solarpunk world, so maybe im unclear why we need a term to describe it when we already call it pessimism


punk isnt about tearing things down, its about creating things despite the shadows they cast

Granted, you play with your new powers for a few minutes and then you get bored, leaving it off.  Thus, the effect asparagus has dies with you

Sounds cool, post it 

south side

Whatever it is, it probably won't stay for long

is there a botanical garden near you? that might give you some clues, and is a good way to spend an afternoon.

My state's .gov website has a handy reference for landscaping with native plants, including a useful chart for water/sun/soil conditions that do best with each plant. maybe try searching "landscaping with native plants <state>" and that will yield results

the problem with cloud services is that they run in giant datacenters that run massive cooling fans to operate at the proper temperature. if that compute power was decentralized, I believe the energy draw would be less because we arent running a datacenter at home and will be running the "folkweb" on smaller servers that don't need to be cooled. depending on the hardware, it could even be integrated into your heating for your home.

"folkweb" is a fucking awesome name, gonna use that. thanks


i like how most of this advice is "stop touching stuff in your yard"

well thats just like, your opinion, man

Granted, all the other bugs find out you can keep them safe from spiders and stay within 30 meters of you

Granted, but now you're so good at Jenga nobody wants to play 

my running theory is that the super managers are clones of the original managers of vault tec.

I dont recall where they specified that the managers were cryogenically frozen or not, and when we last see norm, he decide to step into the exact same pod that his father emerged from.

my theory is that, yes, they were a breeding pool, but only to keep enough of the managers DNA around to make clones.