Just wanted to say that I really appreciate your reviews Engend. I look forward to reading them each week.

Get over yourself and stop worrying about what other people spend their money on.

NTA. Friends don't threaten to beat you. She is not your friend. Drop her and move on.

NTA. If they are that paranoid about Covid they should just stay inside and never go out. Not force you to take a test every time they want to meet up with you.

NTA. Why the hell would you sell your horse to help him buy a car. If he can't afford the car himself then he shouldn't buy a car. You're not being selfish. He is asking for something unreasonable.

NTA. While you may be overreacting a bit if you've been crying for days over the matter your boyfriend sounds like a real piece of work. I'm not sure staying with someone who seems to advocate for actual genocide is a good idea. Not to forget the whole racism and transphobia you mentioned.

edit: spelling

1: The Sopranos

2: Lost

3: Game of Thrones

Yeah leaking secret documents to WikiLeaks... Oh and the CSAM he had. Yeah that probably should have been in the headline.

This solved the infinite repair loop for me. I was able to load into the practice tool as well as a TFT match. Thank you!

I really enjoy live service games and looter shooters. This sounds right up my alley.

This headline is straight up lying. Epic didn't underpay them because they never paid them. Epic made them an offer. This person made a counter offer and Epic rejected it. You cannot underpay someone if they didn't do any work for you.

[REQ] ($300) - (#Las Vegas, NV, USA) (Repay $350 on 10/14) (PayPal, Venmo)Completed

Need to cover my car insurance payment between paychecks.

[REQ] ( $400), (#Las Vegas, NV, USA), (Repay 500 09/30) (CashApp Zelle, Venmo)

Starting a new job soon. Need to cover some bills until my first check comes in.


He didn't really diss Vagos there. "Vagos we forgot em." In theory he's right. If the Vagos decided to move in on BSK than BSK would be wholly unprepared.