If you like the modern art style I’d suggest Tomorrow I’ll be Someone’s girlfriend. There’s romance elements to it

These are mostly josei but

-Tomorrow, I’ll be Someone’s Girlfriend (it has a drama available on Hulu or Disney+)

-Nana or Paradise Kiss

-Kimi wa Pet (English title: Tramps like Us)

-Pink by Kyoko Okazaki

-In Clothes Called Fat by Moyoco Ano Note: mostly anything by Moyoco Ano is pretty good, but please check trigger warnings before reading

-Yakuza Fiancé or Haru’s Curse by Asuka Konishi

I can hear their Facebook complaint about how they’ve “never been so disrespected in their lives and that no one should eat at X Mexican restaurant bc the service and guests are horrible”

If you don’t like it, you don’t like it, simple as that. Your partner needs to understand that. In the meantime, try not to convince yourself that you’re overthinking it or being ungrateful because you’re not. You’re entitled to your preferences

I’ve used one from Abib.

Here’s the link: https://global.oliveyoung.com/product/detail?prdtNo=GA210510558&gad_source=1

It works pretty well and I’d highly recommend it for my girls with drier skin. It’s really thick, almost like aquaphor consistency but a little lighter. I’d imagine it would be fantastic for slugging. My skin looked better each time I used it, but do not use it as a day time moisturizer. Not only is it too thick, it made my foundation peel.

This is the way. I’ve seen too many girlfriends put their man over their self respect. Self respect will always be your tool to keep you from shitty dating situations. Use it ladies

I think it’s perfect for the occasion as well as Easter! It looks so lovely on you!! Have fun girly 🫶🏻🥰

What’s essential to osechi-ryori?Question

Hello! I’m doing a research paper on foods consumed during new years in Japan. I wanted to know what dishes are absolutely essential to a traditional osechi-ryori and if there are any specific reasons as to why they’re eaten at new years!

It literally is. There’s a book called The Moral Animal that touches on this concept and essentially reinforces the “sexual selection” theory

Have you tried to use an exfoliating scrub or maybe even an exfoliating towel?

If you’re going to Koreatown in LA I’d recommend going to the H Mart Center mall. There’s a kbeauty store there and a kpop store as well as a very popular k-chain grocery store.


If you don’t mind a short walk there’s also a Shibuya LA which carries Korean and Japanese beauty products and they also have a lot of the popular/viral items!


I’d also recommend The Source in Buena Park as mentioned above by u/hellokittysenbei

Thank you so much this makes more sense to me now! I do think it’s highly plausible that she could’ve been suffering from a mental health issue, but in the Wikipedia article (granted its Wikipedia) there was a mention that McBride had been present when James had received a phone call and had listened to it as well. But yeah overall the case is just really strange whether she was suffering from a mental health crisis or actually being stalked

I just recently listened to a podcast episode about this case, and I’ve seen others believe that James had been making up the stalker incidents too. I personally don’t buy into that theory but could you please give some insight as to why many think she made up the stalker? I feel like I’m missing something lol

When you need to memorize different parts of organs or organ systems try using a labeling quiz. I used this game https://www.purposegames.com/game/label-the-heart-quiz to help me memorize the heart and they have a lot more. It took the boring and stressful feeling of studying away and made it fun! I feel like it helps you learn faster than making a ton of flash cards too

I felt like there was no difference whether you smoked weed or not. In fact, it helps me keep the munchies in check a lot easier

Honestly, one of the best ways I can be consistent with taking my meds everyday at the same time is getting a pill organizer and setting it either next to where you keep your coffee/breakfast and then just setting an alarm for the second dose. Keep the organizer in the same place so if you eat at the same times everyday you can just take the meds then

I’ll definitely try that. Eating is almost a task in itself on this medication

Did anyone else vomit when they switched to XL?

I just switched to XL from taking the general 150 of Wellbutrin. I began the medication Saturday and since then I’ve had a strong feeling of nausea. On Monday I was extremely exhausted and by the time I got to my job, I suddenly felt like I was going to pass out and about a minute later I threw up all over myself. Did anyone else have strong nausea and vomiting when they switched??

I’m currently taking 40 mg of Prozac and 100 mg of Wellbutrin together. I started with just Prozac at 20 mg when I first started taking antidepressants. I didn’t gain weight with Prozac and when I first started it I felt so much better overall. I felt normal. After a year of Prozac I lost my sex drive completely, so I was prescribed Wellbutrin to help give me motivation and energy. It has helped but if you already experience anxiety I would think the Wellbutrin would make you feel more anxious. Give the Prozac a try, it helps a lot, especially with thought control.

Please! I’d really appreciate it! I can dm you my dodo code ☺️🙏🏻

Looking for a matryoshka doll! 🪆LOOKING FOR ITEMS

Hi I’m looking for a matryoshka doll to trade for bells or NMT’s. Lmk if you have one, I’m trying to get Marty to be a permanent resident on my island 🥺