Hi everyone 😊,

Im a nervous college student who needs to take and do well in an Anatomy&Physiology class! My goal is to get B+ or above. I have not taken a college level biology course or anything similar to this course so Im nervous in taking this tough class. Im looking for tips on how to survive this class for my next semester.

Any advice on how to do well in this class or any info on what to expect? Im curious on how much study time is roughly needed and what study techniques/tools yall recommend to use.

Also, Im pretty nervous about the lab portion of this class, any tips or info would be appreciated. Like are they individual labs, or partnered? Do you hand in reports after class or do you have time to work on them? Are labs self explanatory or hard? 🥲

General college study tips or your experiences taking this class (or similar type classes) would be really nice as well.

Tysm :)