I had a first date last night with a guy who started talking sexual selection theory half way into the date.  For those unfamiliar it basically takes animal mating behaviors and applies them to humans which ends up sounding like “men have a natural instinct to have sex with as many women as possible while women want to only select men who will be a good protector for their infant.”  There are all kinds of toxic ideologies that can spring out from this idea, and so I think it’s really important to push back on this kind of thinking when we encounter it.  This thread is an attempt to brainstorm different ways to shoot these ideas down when we encounter them in the wild.  

However I’m also super open minded! So if you think these ideas are correctly applied to humans, I’m open for debate.

Anyway, what I was able to immediately come up with are these two points:

”Sure, but I’m also pretty certain at some point in your life you’ve wanted to punch someone in the face and didn’t because we are capable of overriding our instincts.”

And then I went on a bit of a rant:

“Since Darwin introduced Natural Selection as a scientific theory, it’s been applied to humans by pseudoscientists to justify all kinds of awful behavior. The Nazis and eugenicists used it to justify GENOCIDE. We are a complex civilization capable of art and technology and there are people who collaborate across the globe with other people they’ve never met before to generate unique creations, innovations and discoveries. Can WE NOT reduce complex human relationships down to the mating behavior of CHIMPS?

And then I asked if he’s ever felt used before:

HIM: what do you mean?

ME: has anyone ever lied to you to get what they want from you and then drop the act once they get it?

HIM: yes

ME: And how did that make you feel?

HIM: silence

ME: I bet it felt pretty awful. I’m trying to avoid THAT feeling, it’s not about protecting some fictional infant

Surprise ending! He continued to “jokingly” push for sex throughout the rest of the date and I will not be seeing him again. I kind of hope he asks so I can tell him exactly why I won’t be.

EDIT: He texted today specifically to ask what I thought of our conversation. I told him I found it "interesting" but I was very uncomfortable with him pushing for sex. He said he was joking and when I asked him to explain the humor he fell back to this male instinct nonsense. We texted back and forth and I used some of the arguments in this thread. When I had him in a bit of a corner he turned the conversation sexual. My last message was that I felt continually disrespected and that he can intellectualize that behavior but it won't change how it's perceived.