Hero of the Naknada

Can I get a sauce for bottom right "white woman" in the first pic?

Loudly announcing your exodus from Russia used to get you a couple respect points a year ago. Now it does not, novelty effect has worn off. But if you just keep operating without bringing it up, chance for massive backlash is minimal.

I mean, Russians obviously won't complain and majority of people elsewhere don't have the kind of time it takes to make a list of who does and does not still operate in Russia.

It would open up a wierd minmax opportunity, but is it really an exploit/imbalanced if you deck yourself out with 4 Eagle stratagems of which you're only going to use 1, but with close to 50% recharge bonus?

Idk, my only gripe is that Eagle recharge upgrade does not scale with how many charges you have left. Maybe 5% per unused charge instead of flat 10%?

Ну тут стандартный процесс как по мне. Сердце предлагает, мозг отказывает.

Сердце, т.е. твои субъективные хотелки и предпочтения, просто выбирает варианты, которые почему-то тебе нравятся. А вот мозг, т.е. твой объективный взгляд на эти варианты, решает какие из них хорошие/плохие. Важны оба, но слушать как раз надо мозг.

Hero of the Naknada

Nah, you just give up dignity playing those characters

You want this warning to play when Bile spewers attack?

Hero of the Naknada

Then what is your problem? Kameo system, even more than Variation system before it, is about setting priorities. You cannot have everything, so you choose what you want to give up.

When you throw 110mm, but it aims at a tree.

Then you throw Railcannon, but it also aims at a tree...


So you're saying we need to crash some water and algae in there too?

I mean, resource sinks are optional. You're not getting screwed by not engaging with them.

Hero of the Naknada

Sub-zero and Motaro kameos exist. Khameleon Jade exists. There is also Mavado slam.

The options are plenty. People just don't want to give up their shiny toys for those options.

If dealing with projectiles is a priority to you, then pick your cgaracyer/kameo accordingly.

We are gamers though, not toddlers. 90% of what you listed can be figured out by a person with a brain and/or prior gaming experience. Either through exploration or observation.

Supply lines can also be figured out through observation. If one gets a chance to observe and bothers to do so, that is. Give your average helldiver a galactic map tutorial? They will click through it without reading.

Pin down what makes someone a sore loser. Getting disproportionately emotional, feeling entitled to a victory because you tried, feeling the need to make excuses or shift blame, "over the table" grudges, etc. Nobody likes a sore loser, but they only show their colors when defeated or when they believe they are defeated.

And now do your best to notice and avoid these same symptoms when it comes to forming relationships. Take any outcome gracefully and do your best to keep your emotions, words and actions consistent with each other.

Maybe they should do it as a medal sink? For 1 medal you can cast 1 vote towards a certain course of action. Whatever option gets more votes gets implemented as MO or some other bonus.

People have been saying "Guys they're just trying to teach us how the galactic war goes!" for like, 6 weeks

As my GM said, "if you straight up didn't even try to bargain for more money, I would have eventually had NPCs lowballing you like crazy"

We as a community straight up didn't even try to do gambits. So now we're being lowballed like crazy with those defences.

Also fighting a war effectively and playing by Joel's rules are not mutually exclusive things. I mean look at enemy backline sectors on both fronts. We physically cannot take worlds we are not meant to take. So anything within reach is fair game.

Alien if snake is host.

Alien if octopus is host.

You've heard dirty talk, now get ready for clean talk.