
Av alla världens kyrkor ör den svenska bland de bättre. Men gick ändå ur, man kan göra allt bra Svenka Kyrkan gjort utan religionen. Men religionen är ett krav för allt dåligt Svenska Kyrkan gjort.

Yes, but had people spoken up sooner alot of suffering had been spared. But that's the problem with hierarchy, the top gets to rule while the bottom are left fending for themselves.

Man har väjningsplikt mot trafik i båda filerna, men om bilen i innerfil ska fortsätta i innerfil är det tillåtet att köra in då man har gjort det utan att orsaka fara.

Jo, men nu är ju inte OP's bil inne i rondellen utan båda bilarna är på väg in i rondellen.

Ja, eftersom du ännu inte är inne i rondellen har du inte prioritet, du måste dessutom genomföra ett filbyte du har då väjningsplikt mot trafik i den filen.


4 gånger sedan 2001, nånting.

The Danes have an inferior complex and therefore must lie about how great Sweden is!

I'll wait here, you're crazy Those vicious streets are filled with strays You should've never gone to Hollywood They find you, two time you Say you're the best they've ever seen You should've never trusted Hollywood

I wrote you and told you You were the biggest fish out here You should've never gone to Hollywood They take you and make you They look at you in disgusting ways You should've never trusted Hollywood

I was standing on the wall feeling ten feet tall All you maggots smoking fags on Santa Monica Boulevard This is my front page, this is my new age All you bitches put your hands in the air And wave them like you just don't care

All you maggots smoking fags out there on Sunset Boulevard

All you bitches put your hands in the air And wave 'em like you just don't care

Phony people come to pray

Look at all of them beg to stay Phony people come to pray (The lines in the letter said, "We have gone to Hackensack) Look at all of them beg to stay Phony people come to pray

All you maggots smoking fags on Santa Monica Boulevard

All you maggots smoking fags out there on Sunset Boulevard

All you maggots smoking fags out there on Hollywood Boulevard

You should have never trusted Hollywood

You should have never gone to Hollywood

All you bitches put your hands in the air And wave 'em like you just don't care

You should've never trusted Hollywood

Serj Tankian/ Daron Malakian


Kill-hjärna suger, måste vara nåt jävla fabrikationsfel?


Därför som USA:s högsta domstol gav Trump immunitet alldeles nyligen?

Bästa är när det tar en minut eller två att processa om det man just hört är en komplimang eller förolämpning!

Because it intereferes with an indefinately growing economic dogma. No new comsumers are born in declining birthrates!


Jodå, dom är ju bara inte i majoritet, och har begränsad makt.

For me it's the mage gameplay isn't good. Too many spells to keep track of, to much menu-scrolling to select and switch between them and to top it off the animations makes it very uniform and non-distinct. And the levelling isn't great either, it goes from underpowered to overpowered in just a few levels.