that time I was reincarnated as a slime, cautious Hero, fire force

Devilman Crybaby, Re:Zero, Cyberpunk: edgerunners, Tattoo Taboo, Blood-C

"They're in the ground! They're Under The God Damn Ground!"

parade like no other? no I think this existed a few times before. also ew. that's a bit too dehumanizing for me.

concept. potential is afoot, and I look forward to seeing more stuff made from this artist. it's not just about the lines. It's what the lines lead to. a concept for a character that didn't exist before. a scene of epic proportions, a story that's ladened with the soul of the creator.

if they so desire to do so that is

this is the kind of man you'd take to a piss sauna to for so much egg nog. then bake a pie from scratch, baking in one of 5 ovens to appease the squirrel subjects. finally, end the night off completing the game Vanish again (because he already beat it once, super easily) and laying you head down on a bed of nails, not to give anyone the thought that we be a masochist or anything, just to see if our bodies could take it.

might not be many animes that will captivate you long enough to keep you invested for 23 minutes. one punch man is pretty good, action story telling is like 2 minutes, and then it changes or moves along. knowing what you like would help out, too. do you not like the action part and crave story more or scary suspense or romance? cause with what was said, just shooting in the dark for suggestions. if you'd like, try kill la kill. That's pretty fast-paced, might keep you still for an episode.

Alternatively, you could put an anime on in the BG and do something else like a game, build something, drawing, knitting just to keep your hands occupied so it feels more stimulating physically

I wish to know more. is it like pokemon with attack defence speed agility? or is it just attack?

I like dragonflies. they're dope. but that tadpol is adorable

I'm thinking a good test game is slime rancher or stardew vally. tests the graphics and able to play somewhat. also townscaper is kinda boring. I tried it and either I missed something or it's just a building simulator. Great for inspiration for drawing but yeah, hold off on it until it's cheap or free.

and then after one of the first two try the Doom game. give it a whirl

life is about balance. drop 10k on one order of plushies? maybe a bit childish. having a bearen living space that doesn't have anything fun in it? sounds boring.

get money to give you stuff you like. worry less about what others think. they're just opinions

so you like simulate the fight and then execute selected actions? could be quite cinematic in the future. here I thought it was like battle, but each action was choice based. Either way, it's way awesome... says cpu, does that mean pvp?

so like romance comedy and a bit of action? how about: -Chibi Vampire Karen, -Tomo-chan is a girl, -Baka and Test, and finally -Punch Line

Just to start off with

I wonder why they're hasn't been a ri h guy yet that could pay for some RV or tethered remote vehicle to map out the catacombs. I feel like it would be cool to see just what and where stuff is. what if there's never before seen history that's crucial to learn about?

"looks like motto motto has eyes for you"

I like em big. I like em chunky. I like big... something somethin

whistle while we work would have been more cheerful tbh

depends on their age. but think about everything that happened in the last 10 years even... 5 years even. amd just be in awe

just gonna sneak out for a quick lunch break. hope the traffic isn't too bad.

the traffic in question: 🤣

this would be a very intense horror, monster movie scene if there was nothing when the lightning lit up the dark. then there's a giant monster or an thousands of humanoid monsters in the water (both?) the next time the lightning lights up the dark.

that or it's rolling right and then you just see millions of monsters emerging from the water as the lighting flashes over and over again

I might be wrong... and I can't quite tell for sure... but I think... that man might be a little high strung

oh that's not good. people deserve to see comments contrary to their own thoughts along with one's that they agree with. not this echo chamber business, that's how one gets radicalized. be open minded and consider what other perspectives are. let's keep working towards being a little kinder to one another

dang prairie dragons. you poke em with a post and they get angry