I can't believe I'm with the squad that's about to be turned into stone...

Fellow sect brother, please do not compare our glorious lobotomy kaisen sect to their horrible, wretched "skibidi" brainrot cult.

Raise your picks and raise your voice!

Not quite - the sun is a yellow star, but by the end of it's lifecycle, it will first expand and become red, before contracting into a dim white dwarf star.

I think. i'm going insane, but Is this a "the world After the fall" reference?

Those are Extreme exagerations, there aren't many Animals in the First Place (there are like, two dogs in the entirety of the show that appear and aren't background) It Is very brutal, though: i wouldn't reccomend It of you're easily horrified by violence.

This Is truly a Rubicone moment



:( still, why conform to such a standard, when you can be free, and explore the limits of crosswording with us?

Asymmetrical (or "free pattern", as we Say in Italy), Is the best, though. You get tò have multiple Word answers!

Most literate Apple user: