Steak is OK to be cooked Well Done.
  1. If you mean using the normal calling app and instead using WiFi? People still need to call when not on WiFi all of the time. When out driving, walking about the streets, standing in the middle of a field for some reason. Wherever.

  2. Call blocking is done via third party central registries. These aren't tied to governments or the mobile providers directly though like every company that exists within a country will be subject to their laws.

  3. I think you're saying "they want you to use data so lower their prices on data". No shit, that's how everything works. Someone wants to sell you chocolate they adjust their prices on chocolate accordingly. The internet providers for WiFi do the the same for your homes internet connection. This isn't a special realisation, it's economics 101.

Steak is OK to be cooked Well Done.

Jewelry is a very commonly stolen item and very commonly has sentimental value in top of the monitary value.

Stealing from people isn't ok. That shouldn't need explained.

Steak is OK to be cooked Well Done.

Oh don't pretend insurance means having your shit stolen is ok and never hurts anybody. Insurance isn't a magic fix

People have items with sentimental value that money can't replace. Some things will fuck you over because of circumstances that waiting for insurance to do their thing don't cover. Oh it's fine you stole my car, not like I had to car anywhere tomorrow for anything important.


Steak is OK to be cooked Well Done.

Financial compensation already exists, but monitary issues are another matter on that.

So why should someone innocent in all this suffer because you did? If I was wrongfully commited for stealing a car and various other belongings, can I take YOUR stuff?

Steak is OK to be cooked Well Done.

When you say children, do you mean adults? Are they 16 or 21?

If they're fully grown adults, it's OK to politely ask and see but they'd be fully within their rights to not. That said, as far as "rights" go. I assume there's no written agreement so your house your rules but I can't imagine anything good coming out of enforcing them to share if they don't want to. If they're teenagers, they're still kids under your care and the rent thing isn't really rent.

Steak is OK to be cooked Well Done.

As always context matters. A great similar but more specific post the other day made me think of this. If you had a colleague who wasn't a great colleague, good person but flakey, low quality work etc. They die and you go to their funeral. During the Eulogy the brother (or whoever) is saying how dedicated of a (profession) they were.

At that point is it still good to value the truth over anything? Is yelling out during a eulogy of that persons funeral that they were kinda shit a good thing? What you gaining?

Steak is OK to be cooked Well Done.

I had a great time at school. Why would I want that to be the best when life can get better?

Steak is OK to be cooked Well Done.

Start blocking and clicking the things that tell the algorithm not to show it to you.

Steak is OK to be cooked Well Done.

I'm in my mid 30s with 2 young kids. I think having a variety in games is important in enjoying them. Story driven I get a lot of satisfaction from. Or games where I'm constantly working on something. Like Stardew Valley or RimWorld. Stardew is simple enough or rimworld can be set to how you want to play. I still play FPS from time to time, I'm playing Fallout 4 just now but mixing it with Rimworld.

As much as I love gaming, and I do watch some gaming stuff, but why solely do that and not watch something better like Netflix or something? Better flow, better construction etc.

Steak is OK to be cooked Well Done.

If the company fired them for other reasons that's got nothing to do with choosing a dying industry.

Steak is OK to be cooked Well Done.

You need to be REALLY unlucky to keep hitting industries that stagnate. That or bad decision making in which case you kinda deserve to be looked down upon.

Malaga. All inclusive kid friendly resort. Kids clubs and stuff.

Each year my in laws take us somewhere out the way on a big family thing. They'll rent a big house in the south of france (parents pay for most of it). Really fancy, but it's remote, the kids gets ancy after a bit, the in laws all end up fighting, the kids get bored (5 of them ranging 3-13), still have to tidy up, do chores, go shopping, cook etc. It's almost as much work as being at home.

Missus was trying to organise it with her family, Nobody could decide on stuff. People being dicks about it. She got annoyed, said she couldn't be bothered dealing with it. So we've booked one for ourselves this year, pushed the boat out a little money wise and I'm genuinely excited. I'm not always particularly excited for the in laws ones.

You'll just have a sore penis/vagina and some angry neighbours doing that.

Steak is OK to be cooked Well Done.

You'll have an over abundance of everything soon. 99% of people don't make that much. So you'll have all this stuff just rotting. Which is great for the first 2 gens getting homes that are super cheap because they can't be sold. But then will everybody want to live next to all these abandoned homes?

But then again, their homes won't be much better. Anytime something breaks. Who will fix them? The plumbers, electricians, network engineers etc can't come round because they'll all die out. Not that you need your washing machine to run because there's no running water or electricity to make it work.

Also, what kind of jobs are making that much? CEOs? CEOs of what? When there's nobody at your company left and a hugely smaller amount of people to sell your services to, what kind of company is left?

Rich entertainers? Not much point when there's nobody to entertain. All your money will be gone.

There will be an abundance of doctors though which is genuinely good! Although, without anybody in factorirs making (or something the machines that make them) medicine and stuff like syringes and gauzes, the doctors might struggle a ton. You have diabetes! Sorry but there's no insulin left so sucks to be you.

Rich people can be very important but it's the working class that makes the world go round. A policy to kill them off would be devastating.

Steak is OK to be cooked Well Done.

Enough of what? And why is less of something we don't have enough of a good thing?

Steak is OK to be cooked Well Done.

Even putting aside the absolutely gross misunderstanding of how much kids cost. Great idea!!! fuck over the next generation!!!! Who is fixing the plumbing? Who is clearing the streets? Who is serving people their food? If you remove all the working classes ability to reproduce, you're going to have little to nobody working those jobs. You think people makin 400k+ a year is sending them to trade school or being ok with them being a janitor. Shit, farmers don't make that much and the human race is royally fucked once you've no farmers left.

Steak is OK to be cooked Well Done.

I say this as an avid pirate.

At the end of the day, you don't have a moral right to someone elses work. However they want to roll things out is up to them. If they roll something out in bad faith, they should face potential repercussions but it still doesn't give you the right to decide what you want to do with their product.

Just as if you made something, I have 0 right to it without agreeing that with you. If you made a shitty pong clone and decided to charge 3 million to play it for a single week. You have every right to do so...it's a dumb decision but it's one you are entitled to make.

If you rolled out it in a morally bad way, then again repercussions. Be it having people remove it from their shelves/platforms, fines or even jail, sure. But it doesn't give YOU the right to their stuff.

Also, this stuff IS regulated by the government. Why would you think companies aren't under a governments laws? They get fined for stuff all the time. Stuff like regional licencing, Netflix not showing certain shows in certain counties because the law would come after them if they decided to show shows in countries they don't have the licences to do so. For example Doctor Who is through the BBC in the UK and you won't find that on UK netflix but will do in other countries.

When someone steals from you, you don't get to go to their house and take what you want. They go to jail or whatever the law decides.

As long as you are using something you were SUPPOSED to pay for, that is theft. That is revenue which is meant to be theirs that they did not get and that you kept. It's theft. And while some argue about the definition of theft, it is still morally wrong. You pay to go to the theatre and don't take the show home, but you didn't pay for your ticket. That's morally wrong despite you not physically removing something from them.

Steak is OK to be cooked Well Done.

Is this fad not over? I haven't had a burger served to me like this in a few years.

Steak is OK to be cooked Well Done.

Why afraid?

For the price it's better than any competitor going for that market And it is nice, not amazing as people act but nice. If I paid the price for a proper freshly made sausage roll and got a greggs one I'd be annoyed. But for like £1.25 or whatever it is, it's a good, quick, cheap, filling and relatively tasty option.

The donuts are nice too and are better than Krispy Kreme which are way more expensive.

I'm not sure if we're joking about now or not