They are going to more than double last year's win total and CP3 will get much more credit for it than he deserves

If you didn't care, you would not be responding so often and so immediately. That is the definition of caring.

The ratio of instruction/practice time to game/playing time is completely off.

Deliberate practice is how people become great, and AAU games are not deliberate practice. Well designed practice is.

I guess the hilarity of the guy incessantly bragging about his ACT score making a grammar error that the ACT frequently tests is lost on you?

You have completely missed the point.

Maybe intentionally, maybe not.

Both surviving a fall without a parachute and improving 8 points without studying (unless you sandbagged your first test) are highly unlikely events- there is no logical reason to quibble about how much more unlikely one event is than the other- because that misses the entire point of this analogy, and possibly analogies in general.

"than" is for comparison, not "then" That shows up often on the English section- you can get another point that way!

Sometimes people survive falling out of airplanes without a parachute. But it would be kind of weird for those survivors to go around telling people that sometimes, you can just fall out of a plane and be fine every time another person says to use a parachute.

they didn't want him in his prime but might get him once he's over the hill and overpriced?

sounds about right

Have you tried other chairs? I am also 6'10 trying to take better care of my back.

Would you recommend the Titan Evo XL over the Aeron C?

everyone is going to go right at him the moment he checks in

Motivated Shaq beats motivated Hakeem- but Hakeem spent much more time motivated than Shaq did. So, for most of their careers, Hakeem was better. But Shaq's prime beats Hakeem's.

What is the over/under on number of black people who got N-bombed by Reddick coming out before the beginning of the season?

I think we get at least 2 more.

Twist ending: it wasn't JJ, but all white Dookies look the same to her.

A weighted mean usually refers to giving values that occur more often a bigger influence (weight) on the mean. If you have a range of values, but almost all of them are just the value 55 over and over again, then the value 55 should have a greater weight for calculating the mean. If 75% of your values are all 55, then the weight for that value would be 0.75.

Think of the weights as an adjustment for how much a certain value should affect the mean.

They didn't talk about the Lakers job- they just discussed hypotheticals about Lebron playing for a team that JJ happened to coach.

Traditional pass first point guards who could shoot the 3 would all benefit tremendously- because they would be told to shoot more

Stockton and Nash, for sure, would be told to shoot a lot more, and would be outstanding offensive engines.

Miller and Bird would also benefit a lot.

No one good wants to be the next Lakers coaching victim anyway. Why do we care which edge of the bottom of the barrel they scraped to get the next coach for 3 miserable years?

This is utter nonsense. He was a great defender for a long time. You think that, because his defense now, as an old man, is not consistently good, it erases the decade plus of amazing defense he played?

He was probably a great defender for longer than you have been alive.

If you want to snark on LeBron, it's his free throws.