Paris has a lot of old, very thick and solid buildings. In the early 2000s they had a heat wave that lasted so long it heated up the buildings themselves, and they stayed hot even during the cooler nights due to their massive heat retention. Many died.

Nope. The NFA was going to happen, no matter what anybody said, and it was worse in the early drafts. The NRA was notified that this was happening late so it sent a rep there on an overnight train. They managed to get handguns taken out of it before it passed, and I believe they managed to tighten up the definition of “machine gun” so that it wouldn’t apply to far more than just full-auto guns.

Basically, the NRA’s contribution was damage control since there was no stopping it from getting passed.

Unless you have a solid hard cover that is built for it, do not take a truck with a cover through the car wash.

Unless you have a solid hard cover that is built for it, do not take a truck with a cover through the car wash.

Legal Enthusiast (self-selected)

In a contract, you need to get something for something. The non-disparagement clause has value to him, but what does it give you? Are you afraid he'll complain about you online as a customer? No? Then the clause is quite one-sided.

Cut off contact, gather all evidence, small claims court. One nice thing is that you can disparage him as much as you want in court, well at least as far as the judge will let you go.

Legal Enthusiast (self-selected)

Look up a good eviction firm near you and tell them your situation. They will steer you down the right path, which may or may not mean paying them to do it. Do not just lock out without knowing the law, or you could be in trouble.

Legal Enthusiast (self-selected)

Intestate, no spouse, it goes to all of you equally if you are all an equal degree of kinship. Follow the above advice to get some help. Just showing up at the court that does probates can have them pointing you in the right direction. The first one to show up and get legal documents as executor of the estate has the edge.

Trump won because Biden looked absolutely senile. People have been saying it for years, but Democrats kept saying no, that's partisan BS, but that debate laid his condition out for all to see clear as day. And since Biden took the bait and devolved into juvenile personal insults like Trump, he lost the high ground he would have otherwise had. Oh, and Biden lied too, such as harping on the "good people on both sides" lie to smear Trump. He stuck to it even after Trump (actually truthfully!) said it had been debunked.

Trump was just Trump, no better or worse than everybody expected, so the debate shouldn't scare anybody away from voting for Trump. But Biden's quite unexpectedly poor performance may scare people away from voting for him.

Crafting bid requirements so that only one company can meet them is a quite old tactic to funnel money to friends, family, and donors. Sometimes it’s a bit more innocent in military procurement when you know and want a certain product because it works, but the rules require an open bid.

Call friends and family to see who’s interested in some board seats, go to a law/accounting firm, and set up a few non-profits for things that interest me. Transfer the money to them.

Believe me, any big, capable law/accounting firm will bend over backwards to make that massive of a deal happen in 24 hours, because they’re counting on the revenue from managing a trillion dollars in perpetuity.

The show wrapped up what’s going on in this solar system. But for some reason they introduced a new plot line on one of the other worlds in the final season, which of course wasn’t followed through. I wouldn’t worry about it though. It’s more of a setup for it they do new seasons later.

A kettle or pan heating water easily causes nucleation, which creates bubbles that carry off heat, which is what keeps water from going over boiling temperature. With a perfectly smooth dish like a measuring cup, and the microwave heating the water molecules directly, there may be no nucleatjon, so no bubbles. Thus the microwave can heat the water to above boiling temperature. Then as soon as you disturb it, a massive amount of bubbles instantly form, usually shooting superheated water into your face.

So if you are going to do it, put a toothpick or popsicle stick in it to ensure bubbles have a place to form.

Yes, eat MREs. You will eventually have to go, but not for a while.

There’s no 4D chess here. They aren’t bailing opinions just to make the numbers look good for people who don’t know what they’re talking about.

Don’t worry. The two parties run the states, and they will always make exceptions for the major party candidates while they demand other parties closely adhere to the law.

For slippery slope, the head of the Brady campaign laid out a plan for a complete handgun ban using the slippery slope, recognizing that an all out ban up front is politically impossible, so it would have to be done in smaller steps, beginning with registration.

In real life, cover sheets are not always available so you do what you can. It’s just a notice for people to not look if they’re not supposed to, and to know it must be secured if seen laying around (with a subsequent investigation). More important are the classification markings on the documents themselves.

No, using a personal email server to send and receive classified documents. That’s an extremely big no-no.

And on the left if you give Clinton a pass. Jail for all.

Well, maybe not Biden. In fairness the government gave Trump a chance to produce all the documents, but he didn’t, and that’s the only reason they are prosecuting. Biden immediately invited them to search for anything they needed.