Hi All,

An unmarried father of 6 died in SC. One child whom he lived with seized control of all assets. This child believes all assets are theirs as he was part of their household and they aren’t obligated to disburse any inheritance to the other siblings, and is refusing to do so. Some time (less than a year) has gone by. What should be the family’s course of action to resolve this fairly and reasonably? No one has yet taken any legal action as they don’t know where to start (all are out of state) and believe the process may be costly. Can add any additional details needed.

Additionally, there’s reason to believe the child with whom he lived may have been siphoning off his assets over the years as he became more senile. This may or may not be something worth exploring depending on related expense.

So, what kind of attorney would be best equipped to assist? What general cost range might you expect for sorting out the estate? What about investigating the second issue? Any general tips or info that may be helpful?

Any information or opinion is welcome and will be considered. Thank you!