There’s really been a resurgence of rubber hose characters, but I’ve mostly seen them as one-off t-shirt designs, not really full blown mascots for brands.

The reason this is too complex to be a logo is because logos should be a quick read. It takes too long to analyze this illustration and see the falcons and the DNA and the triple bonds.

A logo designer would take all these ideas and try to combine them into a simple, clever visual. You don’t have to explain the entire business in the logo - you could probably focus on 1 or 2 of these ideas.

And using all of this information to also form the letter E? That’s a lot. Pro tip, if you’re going for a logo that can also be a letter, go for the first letter of the brand name - that way it can be a monogram/shorthand.

What does career progression look like for my role?

Will I have opportunities to lead projects and lead other members of the team?

What percentage of client work is creative and what percentage is production?

It convinced people to look up “KN” car and even after they realized it was KIA, they still made a car purchase

SUVs are very spacious and most of them have good enough suspension so you don’t feel nauseous because of the “roll”.

My teammates always choke in the finals. Sometimes I do too, but it’s all too common.

I love this.

The only thing that’s weird is it reminds me of the Disney script.

You have to ignore these people - it’s not that serious.

In fact, just double down. You should’ve been like, “You’re absolutely right! Should I go report myself to the manager? Let me go get the manager so you can tell him how disrespectful I was to you. Thank you so much for pointing this out, would you like to strike me across the face? Do you want a free bracelet? Please spit on me.”

I think it’s great, but I’m struggling to understand the lighting.

I see a shadow cast behind the man on the left, but the woman’s face feels illuminated. It looks like sunrise or sunset, but the horizon feels really flat.

Otherwise I love the composition and the casualness of their poses.

I had an emo phase.

My wife and I are Disney adults.

I have crippling student loan debt.

It looks like Mount Rushmore, but they changed the faces to represent a generic man and woman.

It’s tough to do sentence case on the round. Try all caps.

I’m an agency designer and it’s true - it’s hard to get into agencies without agency experience or knowing someone.

I’m in the opposite boat. I’ve been trying to land a comfy in-house position, but these companies won’t even look at me because I have no in-house experience.

I’m currently experiencing agency burnout - most of our clients are banks or tech companies and they all want the same kind of design, so I’m working on multiple projects that all basically look exactly the same.

You are your biggest promoter. Wear your own merch.