
Which of the millennial stereotypes apply to you and which ones don't?

For me:
The ones that do not apply -

  • I don't necessarily hate [censored generation] or blame older folks for everything wrong with the country.
  • I don't spend all of my money on Avocado toast, Starbucks, or other unnecessary purchases
  • Married with kids and a home.
  • I'm not a die hard liberal... tbh, I'm not a fan of either of the political parties.
  • This one is kinda a bit of both. I'm not really crazy about cancelling everyone and "lynch-mobbing" people with a knee-jerk reaction but I think there is a time and place to hold people accountable and to add pressure to companies that otherwise would not take action.
  • Not lazy. I work my ass off long after my average colleague would burn out physically or mentally.

The ones that apply to me

  • I'm a big fan of mental health and applaud this generation for helping to de-stigmatize it
  • I have my phone attached to my hand non-stop
  • I'm probably "killing" many industries. Overpriced goods and crappy service have lead me to either stop patronizing a business or taking an interaction-free alternative, respectively.

What say you, fellow millennials?