you do realize these bring in money, not to mention jobs. Fulltime/partime/student jobs. To sell them would be to a developer, which means more greenspace lost, more housing people cannot afford, as well as more congestion. Lets not think short term here. That is what politicians do as it makes them look good while in office knowing full well the burden will not take place to well after they are gone. We need people to look long term. The housing crisis is not an Hamilton, or even Ontario problem. It is happening in most Provinces. It is a National issue and should be started by the Feds. Thy could start with bringing in less immigrants/asylum seekers. Or at the very least, direct them to places that do not have a housing/job shortage. Why have the feds pledge to bring in 500,000 a year when we can't house/feed/provide jobs for thousands already here?

sure, lets spend money on allowing them to camp on a golf course, that negates it from bringing in money. Maybe you should run for council.

thats my point. There is nothing from the previous year that would be beyond the carryover limit. That becomes your new carryover, and anything previous to that is now the excess. Hence the 20%

Correct me if I am wrong, but if you can carry over up to 262.5 (my CA) from the previous year, that is 7 weeks. So how would you have any excess from the previous year to be paid out? even if you did not use any annual, you would be allowed to carry it all over. Anything from the previous year(s) becomes the excess, thus the 20%?

The pavillions have charcoal BBQs, but you need to rent/reserve them. I'm not sure if you are allowed to bring your own, but I have seen some people do it. As long as you are not being dumb, and no one complains, I would imagine you are good to go. Maybe call first just to be safe.

That is correct.

in addition, leave balances from previous years remaining above the carry-over limit after the mandatory leave cash-out deadline, will be paid out at 20% of the excess leave*

*Note that the 20% of the leave balance excess will be paid out gradually over a period of 5 years (that is, from 2022 to 2026) and is rounded to the nearest hour.

Depends on what trail and how you ride. If your going full bore then I would not bring a hybrid. Saying that, if your asking about a hybrid, then I am assuming you do not go out full bore. So you should be good to go.

There is a big lot up at the golf course. I believe part of it is the golf courses and part of it is the cities.

I had mine done at Autoglass zone in Burlington. Great price and good quality work. I had my old car done at Tintboyz and I would not go back there. Bad experience.

you can buy worms at the convenience store on James and Burlington. Most Busy Bees also sell them

until one of the meth heads starts going chasing you or someone else. They are all not just regular people who have had a bad go. Most are druggies and thieves. But you can put your head in the sand and pretend it ain't so.

yes, they or someone would require access in the event of an ATIP request. You can give them proxy to certain folders etc. I wouldn't give them your password.

It depends. There is no one answer. There are many things that would have an effect. Such as, Why the grievance was filed (was it warranted), the results of the grievance, number of grievances filed against said manager, previous history etc, etc.

because it now reduces the value of your vehicle. So not only do you pay a deductible, and potentially higher insurance premiums, but your vehicle resale value drops.

yup, and the cyclist rides away free and clear. This is the problem with having to share the road with cyclists and all the different E-bikes/electric scooters. Non have insurance. Most will not provide you any type of Identification if they do hit you. You file a claim, pay the deductible and the claim counts against you. Cyclists and e-bikes scooters should all have plates and insurance. I know cyclists will argue and think it's dumb, but most of them are the ones running reds, not stopping at stop signs, veering into traffic.

sounds like a real jem. Are they willing to compromise if you want to take an hour off and not submit a leave form? I bet not. Then they want to follow the rules.

As a manager it is my job to ensure my team are following the rules set out within our various policies and the CA. So if they are away, I expect a leave form. If they are off, I expect them to be off. I have had a few tell me, I'm off next week, but could make time for the meeting etc, etc. My response is, thanks you very much, but no thank you. You are on leave, so please use it. We can get by without you, or at least wait for your return. If we can't we have bigger problems.

If for nothing else, file as they do help at negotiations. Even if the grievances are lost. Your negotiating team can use the number of grievances filed to demonstrate how upset their members are. This can apply to the General Issues table, the individual bargaining units as well as any other NJUMCC. If the numbers are high, management will pay more attention. If the union/your bargaining team bring up items to discuss and do not have any grievances to demonstrate/support how the general membership feel, then management pay no attention to it.

How do you park your vehicle on a street all weekend and not notice pilons being put up after you parked at some point over the weekend?

don't use up your time for something like this. This is a job requirement, so they cover it. either no leave submitted or 699

The employer will reimburse you for any costs with fingerprinting as it is an employer requested function. Same as for the leave. There should be no employee leave used. Either you manager just gives you the time, or they request 699 just to keep things on the up and up.

I would agree with driving into a spot in certain places and situations. Like originally mentioned Costco. How does one put all their crap into their trunk, or back of their SUV if backed in? I see some trying to force the buggie between vehicles. Of course they never hit their own vehicle. It is always the one beside them. These same people are usually the same ones who back in right up to or even across the line. So the person behind them has little choice but to park up their ass. Again, they get mad as they can't navigate easily to put their crap into the back of the car. Much easier to drive into the spot and load the vehicle. No other vehicles are damaged. If you are that concerned about having to back out of a parking space, maybe you shouldn't be driving.

I think you question applies to people like him as well. So you back in, then proceed to carry your stuff between cars and an opened door to put into your back seat? The only way to do this with cars on either side is to end up scratching the cars beside you. as the door opens the opposite way, so it is actually in your path. If you know you are going to be loading up your SUV in a busy place like Costco, it is better for everyone to drive into the spot, not back in.

show up early speak to the prosecutor and plead guilty with explanation. You will save the court time and they will reduce the ticket. Very rare to beat a red light ticket. A couple examples would be your vehicle was stolen and properly reported, or was being towed at the time.

Welcome to Ontario the land of no fault ins. If I was you I would be going after the 600.00 from the other driver.