I don't even remember being in the game. Meanwhile in MGS1 you can't beat sniper wolf without it.

You don't think the guy could have wedged his foot into the tire after stumbling around to make it look stuck under there?

I almost went in 2018 with my gf at the time. That's around the time I started dropping off and something else came up so we just decided no big deal we won't go. Kinda regret not going now.

Not sure how you are seeing that. The car is at a complete stop and it looks like the stumbles around on his feet before falling over, seems like it would be hard to do with a trapped food.

I mean at least the scammers in Saul actually took the hit (at least the incident i remember) I don't think there were multiple.

:meshuggah: Meshuggah :meshuggah:

I think sabotage is kind of cool too, fits with the title at least.

I didn't really like the remake but red 13 looked awesome in it I'll admit.

Looks more like lemon diarrhea.

It had a thick ass smoke ring so unless they added extra liquid smoke which would be insane I doubt it.

Doubt it, but I can understand why that would piss somebody off. You make it sound like only the employer loses money, that's not so.

What about their own tip? Company ain't giving her that.

:meshuggah: Meshuggah :meshuggah:

Death metal idk if I agree with. Solid list though otherwise.


Pretty jazzy album overall imo.

:meshuggah: Meshuggah :meshuggah:

Even then though it's like you say, Bill should be in the same breathe as Bonham, but he rarely is. Obviously metal fans appreciate him and Geezer, but when talking about metal drummers its usually guys like Dave Lombardo that come up first, and while a talented guy, he didn't have near the creativity or personality in his drumming.

:meshuggah: Meshuggah :meshuggah:

Glad to see Geezer mentioned a few times. I feel like him and Bill sort of get forgotten about at times or pushed to the background.

:meshuggah: Meshuggah :meshuggah:

I was gonna make this joke but with Meshuggah.

Better gameplay, controls and graphics is really all it needed. Once you start adding new areas or fucking with the story you risk making things worse.

Idk why but i love these videos. I've seen some that were significantly worse than this and just seeing them get fixed is so satisfying.

I mean Conor would be a bigger pay day. Islam he'll probably lose to anyways. That's my thoughts on why he would do that at least.