It's time for some tough love - stop helping him. You can't change people who don't want to change.

I mean, it's pretty hard to actually get fired for cause like that. I'm wondering if it was something like gross negligence, getting drunk on the job, or sexual harassment...

If it makes you feel better, I didn't name my cat for like 2 months. But I'm glad, cause his personality did lead me to the perfect name.

Why should I try to understand supply chain principles when I could just subscribe to conspiracy instead?!


Yeah, I was gonna say that people/crows who can literally fly falling to their death is sus af.

He literally thinks you're his bangmaid. Hope you can leave asap :(

Every week, I feel more confused and uncomfortable. That whole bit last week about randomly sitting on people's laps. And the handcuffing thing??? What is going on 😭


So this is how you know that guy is prolly never gonna change. It's been ingrained in him since childhood that this is "normal" WHEN IT IS TOTALLY NOT.

I know this comic/explanation gets thrown around a lot, but that's cause it's soooo common:

residence services I am currently talking to them but I am scared that they won't be able to help me because he might try to victimize himself.

What kind of possible victim defence could there be against "this room is for 4 ppl, now there are more than that"?

Anyway, you should document and record everything.

I am like, upset on your behalf 😭
I don't even think his mom would put up with this!!

Yes, exactly! Don't waste your life for this guy. I would consider anger issues as abuse. Just cause he never hit or got physical you doesn't make it okay. Growing up, my dad threw plates and shit when he was mad. Just cause he didn't throw them at us doesn't mean it was fine.

I do the laundry, I do the cleaning, I do the grocery shopping. He cooks but I do the veggies. Sure I’d like for him to help out with the chores but I don’t wanna ask him and have him be annoyed with me. I just feel like I can’t do anything right with him or that I’m dumb.

Dude, I wouldn't even put up with a roommate like that, much less a partner. He's like... worse than kids, cause at least you can teach kids.

Economy bad People's lives get worse (inflation, job loss, etc.) Being unable to afford to live 1) Homelessness, 2) People using substances to cope with the shittiness, or combination of the two. Unable to escape cycle cause there's little to no help.

How the hell do you truly know you should leave a relationship that you’ve been in for over 10 years?!

Here is some real shit: No one knows. There is no omniscient supercomputer out there that can tell you the future or meaning of life with some definitive answer. We are all just people doing things, mostly playing it by ear, and handling what comes after that.

But in most instances, you don't even have to know. Knowing doesn't even matter. You're in an abusive, unhappy relationship right now, and that's the truth. Even if a crystal ball said, "UH ACTUALLY.... He's going to turn over a new leaf in the future and be really great!", it doesn't matter - Because when is that going to happen?? Is that 5 years from now or 50? Are you going to wait 50? Or maybe it doesn't even happen in your lifetime. You're not going to change people who don't want to, and you can only control your own actions with the knowledge you have.

Agree with this.

OP, you need to document this for Worker's Comp.

Isn't the point of lone wolfing to not be partnered? lol
Ideally for me, it would just be someone to pass the time with. I often wonder if they would even fall into the definition/category of "partner" or "that guy you hang out with".

I was gonna say this looks more sugar than food.

With that being said, all flour is fortified with nutrients, so it doesn't matter if they're refined or not. The hormones thing is also a non-issue.

Is your position on-call? Why do you even have Slack turned on during the weekend?

Most people are still alive, so no, we're not.

You can't change people who don't want to change. It's also not your job to change them anyway.