Sorry I sound like a broken record since my previous posts but I’m in SUCH a crossroads. How the hell do you truly know you should leave a relationship that you’ve been in for over 10 years?! I’ve been with him since I was 19. Idk who I am or what I want out of life. He doesn’t treat me the best when he’s in a mood and sometimes gets annoyed with me when I make mistakes like not finding the right directions or if the screen slider door falls off the tracks because of me. I keep daydreaming of what my life and mental would be like if I left but also I’m terrified of change and terrified I’ll regret it and be alone forever.

But then when things are good they’re..good! He makes me laugh, loves me, would never cheat. But I’m still ALWAYS on edge wondering what will set a mood off or what will annoy him. I do the laundry, I do the cleaning, I do the grocery shopping. He cooks but I do the veggies. Sure I’d like for him to help out with the chores but I don’t wanna ask him and have him be annoyed with me. I just feel like I can’t do anything right with him or that I’m dumb.

I’ve brought up times he’s hurt me or made me cry but he just shrugs it off and says “sorry” and moves on but it’ll continue to happen again and I still replay the bad in my head for days after. Is there anyway for me to fix my brain to not focus on the bad? Is this relationship worth fixing? How can I stop staying on the fence and being so unsure of what’s best for me to do?