Hear me out…I (34F) just got back from a second date with a dude (39M) I’m currently lukewarm about (going for the slow burn here). We went back to his place after dinner to watch a movie. Nothing sexual happened. Cuddling only…PG13 style.

I like to go to a guy’s place pretty early on to sus out how he lives. Bathroom cleanliness is of particular importance to me.

I’ve seen worse (sadly) but the baseboards and the edges of the floors were covered in black dust/dirt. Same with the bottom of the toilet…it looked like these areas had never been cleaned. I also noticed the same black dust on the cabinet, to a lesser degree. Took a peek in the toilet and it was clear the rim had never been scrubbed. I don’t even think he owned a toilet brush, but at this point I was too grossed out and scurried the hell out of there.

My thinking is, if a man can’t be fussed to keep his bathroom in good order, what else can he not be fussed about? However, I also wonder if I’m being a bit too rigid here as I’m only lukewarm on him to begin with.

Is a dirty bathroom grounds for the ick? Or am I being unreasonable and should I soldier on given that everything else has been going pretty well?

Edit: Spelling.

ETA: WOW! Woke up to all your comments. I won’t be able to respond to every comment but thank you all for validating that this is, indeed, a justifiable ick. I will not continue to date him. Love this sub <3