Thank you. I have tried a few different ways to do this but it still is not working. I think I’m not using the right DNS record type or entry. Do you have any suggestions about what the record should be?

Website URL and DNS settingsHelp Request

I registered a domain on Alibaba and am trying to set up a WordPress site on it. They have a one click deployment that creates a WordPress site for you. I used that, but I’m having problems with the site because when I try to access it I get an error that my browser cannot connect to the site. This error only happened after I changed the URL in the WordPress settings.

Originally, when I got access to the WordPress site, in the WordPress settings, the site URL listed was the IP address for the simple application server that has the WordPress site on it. The DNS records were an A record pointing to the IP address. With those settings, everything was working fine.

However, in the WordPress site, in the WordPress settings, I updated the site URL to be the normal URL ( instead of the IP address that was originally listed there. After I did that I can no longer access the site.

My best guess is that this is related to the DNS settings because the DNS settings are still resolving to the IP address, but the WordPress site is at the URL address ( I’ve tried lots of different DNS settings but nothing seems to work. Does anyone have any suggestions about how to fix this problem? I have access to the DNS settings and other things at the hosting provider, but I cannot access the WordPress site to make any changes in the WordPress settings .

That’s exactly my thoughts. They both are fantastic actresses and there’s no need to make any of these kinds of changes.

There are a lot of actors on the show who have been in Hollywood and acting for a very long time.

For all of them, when they are on screen, they have a fantastic presence and they absorb you into the storyline with their talent. It’s probably likely that everyone on the show who is as old as Jennifer Aniston and older has had some kind of plastic surgery, Botox, fillers, and whatever else they all use. For all those other actors, at least for me personally, I don’t notice those changes much and I just see their talent and appreciate how their performance contributes to the story through their characters.

My point is that just for this one character in the story, the character played by Jennifer Aniston, her obvious facial changes are so severe and distracting, at least, for me, that it breaks down the whole experience of the show, and I am left thinking about Hollywood, plastic surgery, fillers, Botox, and a bunch of other things instead of just enjoying the show.

I talked to several other people in person about this and have heard the same thing. I started this post to see if other people also thought that or if I was being crazy. I think from the comments that I’ve seen, there are lots of people who think the same way, or who have had similar experiences.

It’s jarring to me. I go from watching great performance, directing, lighting and being completely absorbed into the show - and then when she is on screen it takes me completely out of the moment because it pops into my brain: yikes, she has had a lot of work done. She looks very artificial. And I start thinking about actors and actresses instead of just enjoying the show.

My reaction would be the same for a man or a woman. If an actor or actress had big changes that resulted in such a big impact that I could no longer be absorbed into the story because of the constant shock of their appearance / performance I couldn’t care less about their gender. I’m not fixated on her looks - I want most to not notice her looks, or even who the actress is. I want to be absorbed into the storyline and not even know who the actors are.

It would be the same for a man also. I really like Billy Crudup and I’ve seen a lot of his other shows and movies. If he suddenly looked like he had a lot of work done then I would have the same reaction and probably have a worse experience with this show.

Question about leaving China with my (Chinese) son

I’m German and my wife and son are Chinese. My son and I are going to Germany next week, but my wife is staying because of work.

I just realized that it might be a red flag or look strange to customs/immigration/security at the airport when my son and I leave together because he has a different nationality and different surname than me. It might just look like I’m leaving with some random kid because there’s not really anything in our travel documents that would show i am his dad.

Has anyone had any problems going through customs/immigration/security in this situation? Do you think I need more documents showing I’m his dad? Do I need something from my wife to show she is giving her permission? Thanks!

This 27 year old makes 80k yuan a year and, assuming his down payment is 10%, is buying an apartment for 3 million yuan? There’s zero chance he’s paying off that loan. With the interest and fees and everything he’d need 50 years. He’s a speculator, hoping to flip that property once the price rises, and he’s part of the problem that led to this mess. I hope he learned his lesson and others will too.

“Maybe it’s bc I had real family emergencies & death during covid but I am very annoyed by all the viral complaints in Shanghai that aren’t real issues” 


“Like sorry lady calling you by number instead of your name in a temporary quarantine hospital of 10-50k isn’t a real issue, it’s way more accurate?? (Chinese names very repetitive) not to mention faster? If this is treating u like cattle I don’t know how cattle feel abt that” 

Terrible story. These are awful things to happen.

It was also sickening to see how some overseas Chinese made fun of her.

“the entitled complaints sucking attention away from folks who actually need help like right now, ie complaining the lights always on in quarantine hospital as if it’s feasible to keep on turning them on off in a huge stadium w 30k ppl” 

My guess is that it is a name. Are your grandpa's initials either G.W. or J.W. or is his name Joey W? The two words on the left kind of sound like joey and the three on the right sound a lot like W.


Me too. It seems like there's been lots of articles lately that demonize it a little more than it deserves. I usually don't mind it too much, and after the first few sips it's pretty smooth.

"Over three days, I saw a Beijing street torn up, disemboweled and resurfaced. The roadway was made whole at Jesus velocity"

Quite amusing indeed.


Oh yeah, I always heard him talking about the worksheets in the podcast but I never checked them out. Ok, I take back the part about not monetizing it.

Good. Very good. Excellent answers and great perspective.

I'd say you're especially right about the last part, except that China is an easy place to make money.
I think you meant getting rich- don't delude yourself into thinking that this place is an easy place to get rich just because GDP is growing a clip of (7% now) annually. If you want a monthly salary of 10,000 that is doable. Getting very much above that.. is difficult.