Good news story: PayPal held my money for 21 days PayPal helped me

But after 21 days just transferred it to me and it was fine. Heard so many horror stories that I was panicking they’d limit my account permanently and keep the money. I rang them up when they first held it and I asked them why they were holding it, they said just to check for fraud. I said “but I’ll definitely get it?” They said “yes of course, it’s your money, don’t worry”. At one point they kind of soft limited my account pending some documents and answers from me, so I rang them up again and said I didn’t have some of the documents and they just unlimited me straight away and told me to wait the 21 days.

Just wanted to post this for anyone panicking like I was. I’m based in UK. Easy to get through to the helpline and speak to someone (always someone Irish!)

Best of luck. Enjoy it while it’s good.

Books about debauchery and addiction

I really like reading books about people who lived wild lives and people who destroyed themselves with drugs/alcohol. Both fiction and non-fiction. Can anyone recommend me a good one? Dry by Augusten Burroughs is one of my favourites.

Remember how life goes every time you drink.

Okay, say he wasn’t famous. If he’s just walking around the supermarket, I’m telling you 99% of people who clock eyes on him will think “that’s a good looking man right there”

I really liked the “100 words a piece” bit. I’ve never heard someone describe a conversation by word count before.

I just meant this as a fun question that would get people to give their favourite response. My own response would be simply that I’m sober for years because I keep going to AA.

It got to 1 litre vodka a day. Wasn’t sustainable for more than two weeks at a go. After two weeks I usually ended up in the hospital.

Hope you’re ok now. In the past I’ve been in for acute pancreatitis and they gave me morphine for a week, really enjoyed it.

Sometimes it’s nice to feel ill

Fevers can be pretty nice sometimes. Where you get up in the night to use the bathroom and you’re so cold and shivery even though it’s warm in the room that you can barely control yourself… then you get back into bed and pull the covers over you for all it’s worth and shiver and sweat… then fall into a delirious sleep with weird dreams. Well… sometimes that’s nice. Sometimes it’s nice to have a cold or a flu and to recover from that with meds and blankets and TV. Dunno, sometimes I just dig being ill. I don’t drink anymore, but sometimes I even miss hangovers, some of those were great, relaxing all day with pints of juice and greasy food.

Update: Good to see some of you agree with me and I’m not the only weirdo! Wishing you all good health.

Can’t believe you did that in someone else’s toilet. The audacity.

In the UK if they deem it serious enough to admit you after tests in A&E, you’ll get a bed on a ward and given medicine to make you feel at ease while the withdrawal happens. You’ll be monitored and fed. You won’t be committed, no, you’re free to leave if you want. It can last 2-3 days but I was always kept in about 5-7 days. You should also get help or pointed in the direction to get help in staying sober. It’ll go on your medical record, of course, but there’s no shame in that, and withdrawal is very dangerous without medical help so it’s worth it. Good luck.

Ha, well that makes sense as when I questioned it further she said “I can’t really answer these questions officially as I’m not legally trained”

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply yesterday. I rang the local court and they couldn’t find any proceedings starting against my partner, which is great. They did however say to still keep an eye on the post as it’s not six months from the offence but six months from when police inform the prosecutor and present evidence of the offence. So still quite nervous! Hopefully it’s been forgotten though.