Hello everybody, so today I was at the liquor store right when it opened at 10am. Along with a few other possible degenerates looking for our daily fix. With a 12 pack in hand myself looking disheveled. And there's this customer in front of me buying non-alcoholic beer having a 5 minute conversation with the cashier, who is an older Indian fella I've known by face since 2015 and he's part owner in 2 liquor stores in my town with his family. They're going on and on about how bad alcohol is for you and the cashier is saying how he quit 13 years ago and inquiring if the 0% beer helps with pain and sleep.

Mind you I'm standing right behind them twiddling my thumbs, pretending to not be a bum or hear them, and there's two guys behind me probably in their 50s breathing heavily waiting to purchase sleeves of shooters.

The customer and cashier probably exchanged 100 words a piece to each other conversating and smiling... I get up there after and this dudes smile turns upside and there was no words exchanged. Just like... radio silence.

I dont know... but it does seem kinda immoral to me that you could sell a product that you blatantly know hurts people and are completely against using yourself.