I used to drink 40oz Steel Reserves. 2 would get me hammered. 3 would have me stumbling around in a blackout til 6am burning food in the stove and wondering if it was day or night time.

Exactly. If you get rich off selling a hard-core drug... which these liquor stores make bank in the Northeast USA... millions of dollars... I don't need high horse treatment. It's incredibly hypocritical.

Yes that would be surprising since it's a statistical fact that alcoholics make up the majority of liquor store revenue. It's something like the top 10% volume purchasers make up 90% of sales. Which isn't surprising when we're drinking 100 units a week and a normie is drinking like 10 or less.

Who said I wasn't nice to somebody? I literally didn't say a single bad word to anybody there. Completely minded my own business.

I mean you're the one cursing me out here when I haven't said a single word like that to you or anyone and then you're accusing me of being judgemental? That's... kind of ironic.

I would typically save my seroquel and trazadone and ketamine pills for when I was weening off a bit. Wouldn't pop them mid bender because there's no point... booze would knock me out.

And these guys are owners. Not dudes making 10-15 dollars an hour.

I understand that, but it just seems scummy to financially profit off something you know is killing your customers from personal experience. How is that different from a heroin or crack dealer?

I'm not saying you have to be a drinker to sell booze, but to show that level of awareness for how bad it is for people and still get rich off it is extremely... bad karma imo.

Never get high on your own supply *Awkward moment at liquor store*

Hello everybody, so today I was at the liquor store right when it opened at 10am. Along with a few other possible degenerates looking for our daily fix. With a 12 pack in hand myself looking disheveled. And there's this customer in front of me buying non-alcoholic beer having a 5 minute conversation with the cashier, who is an older Indian fella I've known by face since 2015 and he's part owner in 2 liquor stores in my town with his family. They're going on and on about how bad alcohol is for you and the cashier is saying how he quit 13 years ago and inquiring if the 0% beer helps with pain and sleep.

Mind you I'm standing right behind them twiddling my thumbs, pretending to not be a bum or hear them, and there's two guys behind me probably in their 50s breathing heavily waiting to purchase sleeves of shooters.

The customer and cashier probably exchanged 100 words a piece to each other conversating and smiling... I get up there after and this dudes smile turns upside and there was no words exchanged. Just like... radio silence.

I dont know... but it does seem kinda immoral to me that you could sell a product that you blatantly know hurts people and are completely against using yourself.

16 years old. I was hanging out with a friend in his parents basement and sitting in a beanbag chair watching Scarface. He handed me a Corona light and halfway through the beer it felt like I melted into my seat and felt an incredible euphoria and calmness. It's insane how it all eventually flipped around. What a fucking trap lol.

Feels like a million years to me. I can stop at like 8pm and not drink til 10am but every 5 minutes after that is excruciating. All will and life power in the negative.

I feel you man. Slow motion suicide. This dimension is ridiculously tough. I don't even know what to do myself. I haven't eaten in 2 days and my heart races. Feels like quick sand.

I think the whole reason I drink like this is I don't want to survive.

Every Single Time I try to eat...

Don't do that! Start the day with a buzz! 2 or 3 or 4 beers will fix that! Ok... now I'm feeling decent. A couple more won't hurt. Keep it going! 12 pack down. A little drunk, but this is just a tease. Let's go and get two 8% tall boys. Yea that'll do the trick! Fuck... need to smooth this tide on out. a 6pack of Miller lite it is. Pass ou t




Wake up the next morning feeling awful never having ate nothing.

Yea I think the logic is reversed. @ private places they're making big money so they incentive to do everything they can to make you stay by taking all your shit away but @ public places they probably aren't getting paid nearly as much so they don't give a fuck.

That's 100% what it is. I went to place that was in the middle of the woods ~ pine Barrens so there was no where to run. And if they didn't take my phone from me I could've just called an Uber whenever I wanted and then they would lose a boatload of cash.

Yea were also lucky to have horrible health insurance.

Double edged sword.

It feels like the difference between taking a bunch of jabs to the face vs a couple haymakers.

A good indica edible with 2:1 CBD:THC cancels withdrawals out for me more than librium did.

I may be rationalizing my use but I find that I'm much sicker and withdrawals way worse when I drink a 12pack of 8% IPA than if I drink like 20 Miller lites. Technically it's the same amount of ethanol but if I drink IPAs all day I'll be throwing up the next day. If I drink only light beer I simply don't throw up the next day.

Sounds a bit sarcastic but no problem lol

That's impressive level of self control not to drive to the liquor store only because you didn't have a physical copy of your license. They can look up in the system if your license is valid based on your name and it would be a small fine for not having the card.

True... no offense lol but if planning and discipline were my strong suits I wouldn't be constantly chasing this dragon for short term relief.

I lived in a shitty apartment in a bad part of the city. Definitely wasn't trusting that tap water. I would Uber eats 3 or 4 water bottles with some food because McDonald's was the only thing open at 3am when I'd wake up super dehydrated. (from drinking all day)