Sure. Interviews with many of those kids saying so. Might as well say don't trust anything, go to Utah, go in the school and see it happen in person cus you can't trust news sites you don't agree with and also can't trust kids to say what's happening to them too.

Didn't even bother to look at the video at all probably.

I don't hate them. However, when they push this ideology onto children and their children act like animals at school, then I have a problem for them to be protected acting like animals while the other kids have to ignore it because it's their "identity". It's not a joke that some kids are being protected for acting like animals and being furries in schools instead of actually learning which is what school is for.

Not really worth it in Classic. Required in Endless and the earlier the better in endless.

Second this. I'd say that overall Latias is better, though Latios isn't bad with Tinted Lens either.

Some tips would be (if you didn't use this in your first run), get a steel/fairy (usually Tinkaton works great) to make the rival switch out Rayquaza or be unable to use dragon moves since the fairy resists it, get Garganacl for salt cure for DoT (especially useful for Eternatus when you get there), grab a prankster status mon which can help sleep Rayquaza if they're too fast for you (i'd recommend scatterbug who has prankster as passive and compound eyes as ability to make your status not miss), and look for entry hazard moves like spike/toxic spikes which when combined with Tink will make the Rayquaza take damage everytime they switch in after avoiding Tink.

Or use your tickets to grab a legendary that can carry you like Zacian, Miraidon, or your own Rayquaza.

The even bigger problems is that there is no way for a new player to know what extras/DLCs that they have to buy to get what they want. The veteran players are used to it, but the new players don't know if they have to buy something, if they do have to buy something, it ends up being multiple things that they need to buy and since they bought one part, they're wasting their money if they don't buy the other part so that the one part they bought actually works. Destiny is just a shit show overall for a new player.

I was at 94 around 2150, but that's when I decided I was bored of Endless at that point and eventually saved over it cus Endless with Metal Bursting became too boring/tedious for me.

Yeah I restarted my last run around 2200. Metal Bursting is just too tedious for me. The only reason I went that far was to see if I could.

Remember to do the daily run every day. There is usually a daily run guide put up on this subreddit for each day. If not, there is also daily run guides on YouTube. They give a 10 pull voucher for completing it as well as vouchers when you beat the gym leaders on the way to completing it.

Groudon is a great carry. I would say Kyogre or Zacian are great choices to wait for. Other than those two, you could get Rayquaza or Miraidon. I will say that while they all do very well in Classic as well, Zacian makes Classic runs free and completely solo carries basically needing no help.


Well the problem (in their mind) is that saying the word "fucking" is something everyone does while sexually suggestive and outright nude women is just a woman thing so if they target that, they're gonna be seen as sexist so they can't. That's their stupid logic. Rather let kids see tits and vag than be seen as sexist by about 0.01% of their user base and 85% of X.

What are you talking about? Trump literally lives for the limelight. Whether you like him or not, everyone knows that Trump loves the attention he gets. He would love it more than anything to be the head of the country again and have the world talking about him continuously.

Yeah I think full shiny charms made it like 1/32 or something like that which is crazy.

Lock Capsule is pretty useless in Classic. Can't build up enough money to reroll a lot, can't get enough shinies or get shiny charms to encounter shinies to make rerolls and rewards better. Not much point in lots of rerolls either since you're not trying to build up to something or max out a carry cus it's not really needed to beat Classic.

This is the exact same for me. I felt like I had to at least do the first time legit. After that it didn't matter anymore cus I knew I could do it.

I know. I previously had Tinkaton with the first 3 and covet to steal everything with my Groudon carry. I switched to Zacian thinking I could save the Tinkaton spot for something else, but now, I'm thinking that it might've been a bad idea cus I'm not sure how well Zacian can take down Eternatus in later levels before I switch to a Metal Burst mon around 2k-3k. Basically, can Zacian actually do any meaningful damage and kill Eternatus in the 1k-2k range with its normal move set or do I still require a Tink who I can dump the DoT moves on. Cus if I still need a Tinkaton, I don't know why I switched to Zacian for my Endless carry when Groudon was so much better since he had AoE moves. I like the Unnerve passive, but damn idk if it's worth it.

No idea. I only want it to fill my Pokedex/starters so that I can catch Eternatus. I already have amazing carries and doubt I'll ever really use Manaphy.

Personally I'd rather have a regular Legendary egg. Mostly because I've gone 0/11 in regards to getting Manaphy. Only Phione for me sadly.

I will say that if there's one thing I liked about living in Japan before, it's that it still has a good arcade scene. I really like the games in the arcades in Japan though to be fair, they're more single player focused now.

Zacian as Carry in EndlessQuestion

So after getting Zacian in the Legendary Gacha, I've switched from Groudon to it thinking that I'd be able to save a spot in my team instead of getting a Tinkaton with Salt Cure/Leech Seed since Zacian has Fairy/Steel typing. Thinking about it now, I'm wondering if it would still be a good choice since I'm not sure if Zacian can take Eternatus going towards 2k since its so bulky. Does Sword Dance make up for that? Or do people switch in a DoT pokemon and sack it to get off the DoT and then let Zacian do something like Flinch it down or something?

Basically, I'm wondering if Zacian is able to really still carry in higher Eternatus levels or does he need the DoT moves or a DoT mon to sack themselves to get those off.

I would probably say the Cofagrigus because its shiny and it has curse which is another move you would probably want along with Sappy Seed. I would say look for a Aggron cus they get Metal Burst/Protect/Roar as well as Sturdy.

The tokens make it almost impossible for a carrymon to carry sometime between 2k-3k depending on the mon and the luck you have. All the enemies end up being able to survive getting OHKO and they in turn are able to OHKO your carrymon. This is why the switch to a Sturdy Metal Burst/Protect mon around this time is important and recommended.


It really depends on where you're at in regards to Pokerogue. If you haven't completed Classic, I think I would say go for the shiny gacha. If you have completed Classic, I would wait for Legendaries like Zacian, Rayquaza, Groudon, Miraidon, Kyogre so that you can have a great carry for Endless. Of course if you haven't completed Classic and one of those legendaries pops up in the gacha, I'd pull for them over shinies because you can get a bunch of shinies in Endless and some legendaries like Zacian really make Classic easy.