My first computer ran windows 3.0 and was built by my 12 year old son.

Unless you want to count the Adam extension for my ColicoVision, I can still remember that printer, sounded like a 50 cal from a WW2 movie.

The axle may bolt right up, the question is it the correct gear ratio since it is going into a 4x4. Both axles need the same or something is going to break.

Tucker's Market Place?, they use to give kids crayons to write on the bricks.

I like your answer, I will have to remember that one. It's right up there with, Shake this can of spray paint till the marble stops rattling.

Parents are correct family should come first, so your sister should eat the cost of her trip and attend your wedding. To be expected to move a wedding date will be several times the cost of a trip. Anyone thinking you should bend to your self entitled sister should foot the bill for it.

Personally I don't, I can normally find at least 2 dozen writing utensils a week that have been abandoned by students in the rooms I teach out of.

If only there was a cockpit black box, I'm pretty sure you would hear the driver saying something along the line of "Hold my beer. I want to try something."

Mighty Wind from the movie of the same name, my wife has That Song.

3 or 4, 2" finishing nails should hold it till we get paid.

My 04 has close to 800k and on her 3rd transmission, running compound turbos, and the only issue is the body rotting away. So, I might get something newer this year.

Mine was bought decades ago from the snap op truck, I just grabbed the pick from internet. The only thing I usually buy at flappy tire is jugs of oil when on sale. My current grease gun is actually from princessauto, no comment on longevity as I have only used it about once a month for home maintenance.

Not looking in the right spot, that video is of your transaxle. Wherever your leak is, it's above and dripping down onto the transmission.

They make a right angle clip on, I got one back in the 80's for K cars. With out this thing, you had to take the tires off to grease the ball joints.

They do till they take shop class and learn that math, reading, writing and most important listening & learning is a huge part of all skilled trades. Can't go far without knowledge.

Always go by the wishes of the departed. I had to deal with a supposed friend of my uncle when he passed. He was upset that he didn't have anything in the will.

My response when he finally shut up was that if my uncle wrote to have everything burnt in a bonfire, including any cash, I would have without hesitation. He gave you nothing, so deal with it.

Some get driven more than once, depending on work done. In your case, I would have driven it before performing the work and again after to confirm no issues before it gets returned to the customer.

As we inturn the departed into the ground, now let's see who is sitting beside the widow.