I (f36) need some advice without judgement. I love my boyfriend (36)very much and he’s a very kind person and sensitive. We are very happy but ..

He stinks. It smells like he’s packing raw onions under his arms. He showers every day but after two hours it’s body oder city.

He said he doesn’t like to wear deodorant cuz there are chemicals.

I said very politely that he smells strong and i would love him to use deodorant and he ignored it.

Another time I said very straight forward that he smells like onion. He laughed.

Then another time I straight up said he stinks and he got upset and said I hurt his feelings.

I bought him a natural deodorant for an upcoming trip “since we will be in a hot country” and he never touched it.

I’m not sure if this matters but he’s a white European with not alot of hair. He’s vegetarian and healthy and doesn’t drink or smoke and doesn’t have any illness.

What do do I do??? I love this person very much and don’t want to hurt his feelings but I can’t hang out with him without an open window.