I'd like to think that McDonald's employees, on average, don't have doctoral degrees in health and nutrition. You and I are on the same side of the argument but I don't think it's a great example

And average ain't great because we are all kinda retarded

While everything you said is true, counting the 0.5 is oddly hilarious for a 6'4.5" person... you get turned down by someone that wanted a 6'5"?

As a former warpig (Y's) driver, it's the first thing I say I am when people ask what do I fly. Absolutely love being part of the UH-1 legacy.

Now only if I could afford to own one

Well if you really wanna do yourself a favor, go swear in at a Texas location for the yellow ribbon and hazelwood act education benefits... likely worth many x more than the taxes you'll save

Don't know if it's your age, but America helped "raise" China over the past 40 years... it wasn't until the med 2000s that The US started waking up to all the blatant abuses that China was doing with the relationship. Recommend reading "100 Year Marathon"

Edit: change 100 year war to 100 year marathon

the most recent PERS 43 fiasco is a perfect example of this. I have the privilege of watching all the comments poor in live and every dumb ass thing the O5 that was in charge of that account said got flamed immediately. Eventually he pulled it because "commenter's were being unprofessional" not because of him saying "anyone that is getting out of the service forgot what their oath meant"

Why not just snort a line of coke on preflight and yell WITNESS ME at the DPE when you add power on take off

Not into Flairs :snoo_tableflip::table_flip:

0 percent or not service connected? 0% is still a big deal as they have to treat you for it

I try my best to go to a new park or trail I've never been to. Or not gone recently. Most parks are fairly empty compared to their sizes

I started BG3 with 2 friends and have been slowly working through it since like October, we are already talking about our next play through and what we'd like to do different. That game is so much fun!

Now back to the topic at hand, Factorio... factory keeps growing, I get stuck, then I start all over from the beginning

How long as this plan been in place for you?

I agree but broke college students that can't afford the 100$ 1am rideshare to their house apt 5 miles away is also part of the problem. Rideshare companies shouldn't be charging amounts like that at night, it just helps people make the decision they are gonna drive drunk. (This isn't to take the blame off any of the dum dums thougg)

Not into Flairs :snoo_tableflip::table_flip:

I dunno, if I saw a quadriplegic driving a motorcycle I'd be kinda shocked.

Same, 35 and got hit with the medical train and got taken out of flying for life likely, now I'm going in for the MBA and pretending to speaking confidently about things I don't know! We allnfigure it out sooner or later

You dont have to tell the individual any specifics. Just tell the individual that you feel like the new CFI's teaching style meshes with your learning style quite well. Old CFI thank you much do you mind being open to answer any questions in the future?

Rest assured, I have it worse... I was 3 weeks from starting at a legacy and lost vision in two eyes, all you chuckle fucks are going to be a-ok in due time

Not into Flairs :snoo_tableflip::table_flip:

If you dont mind me asking, What shot costs $38k !?!?

This Act needs as much visibility as possible.

It's insane that someone could go 17 years and not get both retirement and VA after a mandated medical retirement. Not to mention, if they get retired, none of those years count towards civilian government service for FERS either like it would normally under 20.