And when trump loses again, maga will automatically claim it was unfair.

trump has claimed things were rigged or unfair for decades. Every time he loses, no matter what the arena, this is his go to response.

Pugilist. He has the demeanor of a boxer.

I can understand why he didn't see the one in the upper left ( it's upper right.)

The whole point of bumper stickers like these is to try to offend. That's why they do it.

Maybe he shouldn't have committed a giant Medicare fraud!

I don't ever remember seeing the Medical Center series on re runs. I'd love to see that again. They had some hot topics.

My aunt "married well". Many years ago my aunt wanted a mansion in a posh neighborhood. She and her husband took all of their money bought one. It took them years to be able to afford to furnish it all. They actually had rooms with nothing in them. Their credit cards were maxed out. They only furnished the "public" rooms

They had saved up and gotten another cc to finally furnish four or five rooms. Then Elvis Presley died.(As I said this was years ago) She spent all their saved money and spent the limit on their cc to fly to Memphis and stay in a posh hotel for weeks ...and considered it well worth it.

Anyway, some "rich" people can't afford what they've got but feel the need to keep up appearances.

3 in progress

I remember reading an article by a critic about the movie Grease on its 20th anniversary. He said the irony about Grease was that it is a movie about the 50:s made in the 70:s and was the fav movie for young people in the 90's.

Not too many movies can boast that.

I went to a parochial school then a Montessori school then a public school (we moved a lot)

I remember getting my first report card from the montessori school. Each subject could be a few sentences to paragraphs long on how you were doing.

My mother read it, looked at me and asked "so, did you pass or not?"

Tried this. I was up twice a night to urinate.

My niece works at a boutique hotel on the Atlantic. She's always surprised at how many people use the pool instead of the ocean, which is right outside their property.

Apparently they constantly have to do checks due to people who aren't guests or guest adjacent. Then some of those people get nasty when they're asked to leave.

And people don't clean up after themselves.

2 in progress

I had an older VW with window vents. Sold it some years ago. I wish cars had them now.

I loved the ending.

For me it implied that no matter what, Tony would always be looking over his shoulder, never totally at ease.

I remember using checks for cash.

I especially remember lingering over what style of checks to order. The traditional ones or the ones with pictures or artistic design. Once you ordered a box, you were stuck with your design style choice for a while.

I haven't written a check in years.

I have to watch with closed captions because I don't always catch what people are saying. (They talk too fast and then add accents) but unfortunately cc leaves a lot to be desired. It translates Miller (i.e Millah) into melon.

3 in progress

We don't change anything unless it's actually necessary. We're not as much into a style as we are being comfortable.

I'm a Gen Jones and I definitely remember that.

3 in progress

That's the truth!

Went up to the mountains with the niece and nephews, they ran down the steps that were built into the hillside. Then wouldn't come back up. I could hear them giggling. So I decided I'll have to go get them.

They *ran" up the steps past me when I got to the bottom.

I honestly thought I was going to pass out going back up the steps. And that was after resting every couple of yards. Then they ran back down the steps and up again, and again and again. Laughing the whole time.

As I sat there each time they passed me, heaving and sweating, I tried to convince myself it was the thin air.

I finally had to admit it. I was old!

It went the way of Geritol. I think maybe because Ben Gay doesn't get "icy hot" not as many people think it works?

Ok. Thx now I understand why some people are reading fanfic and think "underwear" instead of pants and are thrown off.