I'll be honest, I had no idea what courgettes or aubergines were and had to Google it, haha. Why does murica not have fancy and pretty words for foods :( (or anything else)? Actually don't answer that 😂. But thanks, that does sound really good!

Idk, but my version of free ballin' is called free flappin'

Y'all remember the movie, Coneheads?

That sounds amazing!! Do you happen to have a recipe you like for the soup? Or in general,what do you use in place of the beef stock?

They do and I'm still just as confused.

Pierre Escargot was what led me to become multilingual.

Plot twist: Daughter is 35.

Mfs like me who's born in the 80s and is old as shit and constantly forgets how old they are...

Does it have to be baked? Or is it okay as long as it's heated? i.e.- on the stove, or even cooked into a sauce or something, like maybe an Alfredo type thing?

Excuse me, I am pretty new to this product or anything similar 😅

Idk why I haven't used it for a pasta dish yet! That sounds great!

Does it have to be baked? Like is it safe/tasty microwaved or cooked on a stove? That's usually how I do my cheese sauces for nachos lol. Oven baked nachos sound pretty good too, though!

Really? That sounds so good! Do you usually bake yours? Or does it work with regular ol grilled quesadilla also?

Uses for Miyoko's Liquid Mozzarella, besides pizza?Question

I've made 2 pizzas and getting burnt out already, haha. But I still have quite a bit of the stuff left! What else can I use it for? Any ideas?

Bro got a stick and poke at 16??? Oh no bro…

How old are you now? Please wait to do anything until you’re old enough to make rational decisions.

Does a rug count as furniture? I'm scruffy, heavy, ugly, dirty, and people walk all over me.

I know the post got removed, but still wanted to reply. You're totally good! I meant that more towards OP rather than you, although maybe that was the wrong word for me to use as it did come across as a little harsh or rude. OP had every right to be enraged, it just felt in the post like it was directed poorly? Overall I was just trying to convey that none of children should be judged or criminalized, etc. as they are ALL victims in this situation. Hopefully OP and the children involved can all heal and find a solution. Hope you have a great day as well!

It doesn’t really sound like you are trying to understand it.

Vegans don’t become vegans simply because they tried meat products and didn’t like them.

They do it because an animal was hurt, killed or otherwise treated inhumanly in the process of making it.