I'm asking because I've been dating my partner for 1 year.

Since then, he's incorporated tons more vegan meals, is constantly saving vegan recipe inspo, and we've had a few conversations about the ethics of it (I don't usually bring it up unless it comes up naturally)

Recently, he's cut back on meat/animal products and says he actually feels kind of sick when he eats meat/dairy now. Asked for vegan breakfast suggestions too!

I feel like he's coming around and I want to help facilitate that but I DON'T want to be pushy because I am def guilty of that in the past. I'm wondering if I should introduce him to what made me go vegan (Gary Yourovsky's speech) and watch that together?

For those of you that have gotten people in your life to go vegan, how did you do that? <3 any tips are appreciated!!

Edit: thank you so much for all of you incredible feedback! I love to see the discussion. Definitely feeling super encouraged to gently educate and love seeing so many different perspectives. Will reply to y'all when I have a moment and give an update on how it goes with my partner!