Elizabeth Holmes and Sam Bankman-Fried instantly come to mind, and those are very recent. If you Google it you can find plenty of other examples.

Seconding this. Even if it is busy, most everyone stays on the boardwalk. If you go to the other side of the lake you can find many secluded spots to chill.

Look at the top non-sticky post in this subreddit.

Yes, Europeans are less likely to be lactose intolerant because of their insistence throughout history to be the only mammal in existence to continue drinking breastmilk past adolescence.

You're getting screwed, gigs like that exist where you're on the road a lot, but you get overtime usually for that. I've been a system integrator for 10 years and I've never had to travel for more than 1-2 weeks at a time, and I still get overtime whether I'm on the road or not.

I like how they gave the line a shadow.

Had to scroll down wayyyyy too far to find this one. I'll never get the physical version of this game because the digital is so damn good. Played the physical version once and it was such a slog in comparison.

They already are. Conservative states are banning the sale of lab grown meat. They clearly don't believe in small government.

Visiting our most prominent and unique geological feature, the Great Lakes, is missing from your list.

So instead you'll let the guy win who will make the genocide in Gaza worse, who will accelerate the genocide in Ukraine, who denies climate change and the massive damage its doing to poor countries, and who also wants to turn the U.S. into a fascist state that deports or does worse to anyone who looks slightly brown? So progressive of you.

God, social media has melted so much of society's brains.

I can easily believe they did that after they left us on the cliffhanger ending of episode 2 for over a decade

Practically every time I got out to drive at this point.

My experiences on the east side is that drivers are more zippy, but that's counteracted by horribly timed stop lights every block for miles that makes it take 20 minutes to travel 3 miles.

So many people in this town do not know how to accelerate in a timely and reasonable manner. I drive a shitty 2011 Ford Fiesta, probably one of the slowest accelerating cars to ever exist and I have to very consciously barely tap the accelerator 1/10 of the way down on and off to not rear end the person in front of me, who more often than not seems perfectly fine using the engine idle acceleration and nothing else for the first 5 seconds of their speed up.

I'm not asking people to punch it when the light turns green. Just wish they would put their foot down a tiiiiiny bit more so that more then 3 people can get through a left turn light when there's a backup of 30 cars behind them.

If I'm watching speedrun summary videos, tbh I prefer SummoningSalt.

I love Summoning Salt, but you watch one video then have to wait months for another. There's a reason for that; his videos are extremely detailed and high-quality. But content is way too far between for anyone who wants to watch videos on speed running more regularly. That, and I really wish he'd branch out and do more games that aren't exclusive to Nintendo consoles. He's done some, but most of them are limited to that fraction of games on Nintendo.

His sponsorships are some of the only ones I'll actually sit through. They're endearing in a corny way, and I like that little ego boost I get every time Karl calls me a legend, which he usually does in the sponsored section.

I'm convinced at this point that Taco Bell employees are trained to completely ignore the "extra" or "light" options for toppings and do whatever the hell they are feeling in the moment. Can't tell you the amount of times I've asked for extra or less of something and it's no noticeable difference from the normal amount.

These webs look like could have been made by Bowl and Doily Weaver Spiders. Super cool.


We can only hope. Too bad some states are already banning it.

Those look soooo good! Nice work.

I don't go on vacation to sit in a hotel, that's why. Hotels are a place for me to sleep during vacation at night when I'm done being out all day doing vacation stuff. I usually try to get my hotels as cheap as possible too. And the convenience of a $10-15 bud light at the hotel is not worth it when I can pick up a 12 pack for a few dollars more on my way back to the hotel at the end of the day. That will last me multiple days and is a savings of over $100 if I were to buy that 12 pack all at the hotel.

Try cooking in a cast iron skillet more often if you don't already.