I’m tired of getting lead on by people who are happy to chat aimlessly for days or weeks through text or on dating apps but disappear once you ask to meet in person. I’m tired of people waffling about and getting your hopes up only to fade away and make you feel like a crazy loser. I’m tired of people making you feel like a pervert because you dared be interested in someone who exists outside your phone screen. I’m tired of things going well and then suddenly poof it’s gone because they found someone better in some superficial way. I’m tired of being told I’m “too good for them” and “so many people would be so happy to be with me”. I’m tired of people not being honest, not communicating, protecting themselves from discomfort and confrontation at levels bordering on sociopathy. I’m done. I’m not trying anymore. Me and my dog are gonna live the good life and no one else is invited.

Edit: No one owes me anything. Never said that. I was just venting jeez.

Edit2: I didn’t expect this to blow up so much, I just was feeling down and needed an outlet to vent. I understand why many are making harsh judgments about my character but please remember that everyone has moments where they feel frustrated. Maybe I should have kept it to myself but here we are. Also I was not just talking about dating apps. I was talking about irl dating too.