True. I guess you could say the same about the US voting for Biden in 2020. More center-left than anything, but at least it got Trump out.

That was one of the first movies I made my husband watch with me after we had just started dating. He was polite at the time but after like six months he was finally like yeah that was the worst movie I've ever seen. 9 years down the road and he still brings it up, lol.

IIRC it was followed up with a scene that was also pretty hard to stomach for women

Same. I remember the part with the baby crawling on the ceiling but that somehow felt way less upsetting than this part.

Anything with body horror is incredibly unsettling. I grew up with my dad telling me that Jeff Goldblum's The Fly was one of the most romantic movies ever made. I finally watched it last year and I really want to know what was going on inside his mind when he saw it because it sure as hell was not romantic.

The movie is good but the book is so much better. You should definitely give it a read.

Or that chubby bunny game where you had to stick tons of marshmallows in your mouth while talking. People definitely died from that. Or Tide Pods, or steering cars with your knees. My cross country team had a route the coaches didn't know about where we ran for roughly half a mile on the train tracks. It's honestly amazing that as many teens make it out alive as they do.

The thing is, though, that if you read the Labour Party's platform, they're actually pretty center-left. One of their major goals is to put more police on the streets and crack down on immigration. Of course, the Labour Party is significantly more progressive than Marine LePen's far right bloc in France or Giorgia Meloni's Brothers of Italy party - especially when it comes to social reform - but it definitely does have traces of the right's rhetoric in certain areas.

I feel like you're both right. Yes, men have more muscle than women and it doesn't take as much to seriously injure a woman with a punch than it does a man. That being said, as someone who took and helped teach karate for quite a few years, the vast majority of people aren't nearly as adept at punching/fighting as they think they will be, especially in the heat of the moment. In the midst of a chaotic fight and emotions, I think it's pretty unlikely that an inexperienced guy could hit with the accuracy, strength, and precision to put a woman in the hospital for a week. I don't doubt there would be damage or even an overnight trip to the hospital, but a man punching a woman while she stands there and doesn't move/defend herself is very different than a man punching a woman who's also tussling with another woman in the midst of chaos.

Also, based on his other videos, he tends to go after people who don't speak English as a first language (so likely immigrants who might second guess themselves about what the cultural norm is). He'd never do this to a white dude working at Trader Joe's or something.

I only honk when someone is absentmindedly driving into my path/car and I need to physically let them know I'm there. Maybe I'm paranoid, but you just never know who's crazy or angry enough to go after you. And you never know if they have a gun. I remember once when I was in college (in the Midwest), I was in the car with my friend and he honked at a dude who cut him off. The car stopped, backed up on the road so he was behind us, and chased us down the highway into town. We were able to pull off into this little parking lot behind our dorm that was hard to see to passersby, but he was definitely still looking for us.

Yup. I bought my husband a dashcam a few years ago for his car. Luckily we haven't had to use any of the footage yet (knock on wood), but even with all the close calls I feel like it's been a good investment.

Sorry, that just...doesn't happen in real life. No culinary program worth its salt is gonna jump into action because a stranger called them to say that their student mixed real and fake meat during a casual dinner party in their own home and accidentally served someone something they didn't know they were allergic to. If anything, the instructor might quickly say "hey, heads up, next time you might want to triple check with your guests about the ingredients you're serving," but there's not going to be "fallout."

Swap "cake" with "9/11", not such a big fan of cake now are you?

I have absolutely no feelings about Neil Gaiman one way or the other so I feel like I've achieved true legal neutrality here lol

Swap "cake" with "9/11", not such a big fan of cake now are you?

Hey now don't forget about our lord and savior Dolly Parton!

As a woman, this is not at all how we think lol. Did you learn this from the D.E.N.N.I.S system from Always Sunny? Because if so that wasn't the message you were supposed to take away from that episode...

I've always said that compatibility on dating apps isn't any different than compatibility in real life. The difference is that in real life, you're not walking into a place and hitting up every person to ask them out. If you did, you'd be rejected/not have luck with the vast majority of them, too. Dating apps suck because you basically are (virtually) going up to each person in the room and sussing them out, and you're physically aware of each rejection. It makes you feel like you're not as datable, even if you'd have the same luck in real life.

Yup. I met my husband when I was teaching abroad. One friend met his long-time girlfriend at our wedding. Another met her boyfriend at a work conference, and one of my old coworkers met her husband in a tour group while she was solo traveling.

I know this will rile some people up, but in my experience, relationships often start up when you're not even really looking for them. Even when "traditional courting was acceptable" and men could walk up to women to chat them up, I don't think it was necessarily the norm for relationships to start out that way. When I think of my parents and their friends, most of them met through work or hobbies or mutual friends, not at a bar or coffee shop. I think it's convenient to blame the current dating environment on the fact that "men just can't go up to women anymore" (not that women ever really enjoyed that), but the truth of the matter is that dating IRL has often and still does come down to luck, chemistry, and circumstances.

Right? Also are you telling me that OP hadn't encountered peas ever in his 20-some-odd years of existence?

Lol you'd literally have no grounds. You said you were allergic to peanuts. You didn't even know you were allergic to peas. This isn't real (are you telling me you've never encountered a pea in your entire life before this?), but if it were, lawyers aren't going to take on a case where some kid at a dinner party mixed beyond meat with real meat and accidentally triggered an allergic reaction for a guy who didn't even know he had that allergy.

I'm sorry, this is so fake. According to you, within 13 hours (which includes time to sleep since you were at a dinner party), a) you went the hospital & recovered while posting on Reddit and triaging communication with your dinner group (all while apparently suffering intensely from a severe allergic reaction), b) someone managed to contact the fictional culinary program directors and convince them that one of their students messed up by...serving someone peas when he didn't even know he was allergic, and c) the directors scheduled a meeting and pulled "Virgo" in to chat with him. And you're managing to update Reddit and get in-time deets from your friends.

Real life doesn't move nearly as quickly as in fake AITA-land. Somehow, lawyers are always hired in a day, divorces are completed within a week, and paternity tests results are delivered in an hour.

I think it's mostly societal pressure. In the Western world, celebrities (women especially) aren't allowed to age. I remember my mom telling me that when Robert Redford was young, he was considered a huge heartthrob. Then he started to get older, and it's all people commented on. He was so self-conscious that he got some work done then basically disappeared from acting for a while (though he directed from behind the camera). He was apparently incredibly insecure about it. I remember going with my parents to Sundance, Utah (where he lives) when I was younger, and Robert Redford was actually behind us in line at a coffee shop. This woman next to me very loudly leaned over to her friend and went "Wow, he looks TERRIBLE!"

There's no way he didn't hear. Despite all their fame and money, I do feel bad for celebrities in that aspect. Damned if you do (aka age), damned if you don't (aka get work done to "stop" yourself from aging).

And of course she's overcome her systemic barriers to a point where she's able to own two properties and rent one out on Air BnB.

Swap "cake" with "9/11", not such a big fan of cake now are you?

Yup. The two genders are male and political. The two races are white and political. The two sexualities are straight and political.

You might want to pick up a stick and reread the instructions. If you're injecting your deodorant you ain't doing it right.