Why is it when a storm or earthquake or fire hits a blue state it is "God's wrath" but when it happens to a RED state it is "God's will"???

By all means, just marry him so that you can be disappointed for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. 

Nobody is irreplaceable. 


Assholes who learn to avoid stepping on the wrong toes seem like they are made of Teflon but in reality they are only one wrong act away from getting axed. 

Their time will come. Just watch.

Go get this book: The Ultimate Job Search Guide by Martin Yate. It is a soup to nuts guide to help you win ypur next job.

Good luck!

Get up, shower before breakfast--family rule no smelly kids at bfst table. Then go to morning swim team practice. Shower after. Gym class at 11. Shower. Afternoon swim team practice. Shower. This was the norm the entire swim team season.

You think he has changed.

He hasn't. And you will find that out in the worst way if you get back together with him.

Do you think she is going to act surprised and immediately go on a diet because YOU shined the light on her slovenly life?

She knows she is fat, OP. She doesn't need you to point it out.

You are not her mother, not her spouse, not her shrink (and she desperately needs one) and certainly not her doctor.

If you REALLY want to help her, give her the name of your therapist and tell her that the person has helped you a lot and maybe they can help her if she really wants to talk about anything.

Other than that, just stay silent. She is a grown ass adult. Who is free to eat twinkies all day long if it suits her. 

I have had 11 jobs in the last 25 years. Every time I left it was for a higher salary. My current household income is 450k between my companion and myself.

Please tell me how corporate simping has worked out for you.

Funny, you act like companies  consider employees assets. When in reality they are considered liabilities. 

There is not a business in this country that would lay off everyone INSTANTLY if they could wave a magic wand and get all the work done for free by robots.

You. Mean. NOTHING. To the CEO or the shareholders. 

The quicker you get that through your head the faster you can gain the right attitude about work in America. 

Yeah right.

IF they truly valued your talent set they would have given you that IN THE FIRST PLACE.

The hammer is going to fall sooner or later and you will be the o e most surprised I would imagine.

He is a fully grown adult who can make choices. But so are you. HE does not control you and most certainly his WIFE does not... so if it is important to you, you do what you feel is necessary. By not reaching out to him when you want to, aren't you basically giving up your control of your life in this area?

I have absolutely said this. I have also quit without notice after finding a better job. Companies are evil and deserve what they get

No. He is physically and mentally ill. You are enabling him by letting him sleep his life away. You do not direct his sleep schedule. You get his doctor and therapist to do that and you just enforce their medical decisions. Tell him that if he does not take care of this himself YOU will be banging pots and pans from 7 am to 5 pm until he agrees to abide by the advise of his shrink and physicians. 

YOU made him choose between you and the woman he loves. What do you expect? A man who chooses his family over his spouse has no business being married.

What you should do is reach out to him and say you will be there for him even if he doesn't want your help. And keep reaching out to him no matter how bad it hurts.

Because forgetting him would prove to him that he made the right decision.

Supporting fascism in Florida is the LAST thing a rich person should do.

But for some reason I bet that rich people in America have no problem supporting fascism...

I would have put my phone to my ear and walked past them saying something like "Yes, we can talk in a minute I an going past the receptionist right now. She is really fat! I wonder if she has an eating disorder!"

90% of the media in America is controlled by 6 companies. 5 of those 6 are controlled by conservatives. 

Anything you read or watch is conservative propoganda, including the propagation of lies about how conservatives run the world.

Word salad blah blah blah numbers. Does this make sense?

NO op it does not make sense. Stop worrying about your height, it is what it is and it will NOT change.

You want taller kids? Mate with someone taller and make sure the kids have a great diet growing up. 

Maybe when you start calling them TEAM MEMBERS and not employees, productivity will be even higher.

Go buy this book: The Ultimate Job Seekers Guide, by Martin Yate.

You are obviously making fundamental mistakes in your job search.

The parts he doesn't agree with are the ones that don't cause ENOUGH pain and suffering.