Hey guys! I’ve got more cards coming in for this, but I’m looking to finalize my profile for my 3 great angels deck I’m working on. I could use some advice! I’m still sorta new so sorry if this is a crappy first draft lol.

I’m on mobile so i can’t figure out how to put the picture here so here is my list

// Digimon DeckList

2 T.K. Takaishi BT1-087 4 Tokomon BT14-003 4 Patamon BT14-033 2 MagnaAngemon ACE BT14-037 2 Seraphimon BT14-041 4 T.K. Takaishi BT14-084 4 Emissary of Hope BT14-093 3 Angemon BT14-102 1 Angemon BT14-102 4 Angemon BT16-019 4 MagnaAngemon BT16-024 2 Cutemon BT5-033 2 Pillomon BT9-033 2 Heaven's Judgement EX4-068 1 Cupimon EX6-003 4 Luxmon EX6-017 2 ArkhaiAngemon EX6-021 1 Ophanimon EX6-027 3 Dominimon EX6-030 1 Cherubimon EX6-035 1 Descent of the Three Great Angels EX6-068 2 Physical Training P-105